Chapter 10: The City of Wonders

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As they explored Eldrador, they marveled at the city's beauty. Towering crystal spires refracted the light, casting rainbow hues across the streets. Fountains sang with melodic voices, and trees bore fruits that shone like stars.

Dhriti's eyes sparkled with wonder. "This city is alive! I can feel the magic pulsing through every stone."

Eira wandered through the streets, her hands trailing over the intricate carvings on the buildings. "The craftsmanship is exquisite. These people were masters of their art."

Arin led the group to a grand library, where ancient tomes filled shelves that stretched towards the sky. "This is the heart of Eldrador's knowledge. We may find clues to the artifact's location within these pages."

As they delved into the tomes, they discovered cryptic references to the artifact's resting place. Dhrumi's cunning mind pieced together the clues, leading them to a hidden chamber deep beneath the city.

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