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"Are you sure you wanna come and not rest at home?" I asked my wife, who's pregnant eheh.

"Ofc I will...its Shika's wedding" she said, damn! she makes me worried so much she's only 5 months pregnant now but it scares me what if-- no no don't think about it.

That jerk, Shikadai is finally getting married after denying his feelings for Yurei for months. It's been about a year since Sarada and I got married during summer, around the time we first met.

We had a lot of fun in between, you know if you know lol. So finally she's pregnant now and still works a little little, she'll be getting her leave soon.

Finally I can become a father with her being the mother of my children, yosh!!

"Boruto!!! Why aren't you ready yet!!! Get here soon we gotta go" shit I'm late , well it's not like I take time.

"Coming love!!!♡" I quickly set up my hair and left for my friends' wedding.


As we arrived at the venue for Shikadai and Yurei's wedding, I couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia wash over me. It felt like just yesterday we were all goofing around in the University, and now here we were, celebrating Shikadai's big day.

The ceremony was beautiful, and Shikadai looked genuinely happy as he exchanged vows with Yurei. I couldn't help but steal a glance at Sarada, who was glowing with pride and joy beside me. She squeezed my hand affectionately, and I knew that she was just as happy for our friends as I was.

After the ceremony, we all gathered for a dinner reception, the air buzzing with laughter and conversation. The boys, including Mitsuki, Inojin, Iwabe, Metal, and Kawaki, were all in high spirits as we teased Shikadai mercilessly about his newfound marital status.

"So, Shikadai, are you ready to be a married man?" Mitsuki teased, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

Shikadai rolled his eyes good-naturedly, but I could see the hint of a smile playing at the corners of his lips. "I suppose I'll have to be," he replied, his tone brighter than normal. "But don't worry, I won't let it go to my head."

Inojin chuckled, raising his glass in a mock toast. "Here's to Shikadai, the most reluctant groom in history," he quipped, earning laughter from the rest of us.

Iwabe grinned, clapping Shikadai on the back. "Hey, at least you've got Yurei to keep you in line," he said, his tone jovial. "And trust me, she's more than capable of handling you."

Shikadai shot Iwabe a mock glare, but there was a warmth in his eyes that spoke volumes. "Yeah, she definitely keeps me on my toes," he admitted, his voice tinged with affection.

Meanwhile, Kawaki watched the exchange with amusement, a smirk playing at his lips. "Well, if you ever need any advice on married life, you know where to find me," he said, his tone teasing.

I chuckled, shaking my head at Kawaki's bravado. "Thanks, but I think he'll manage just fine," I replied, exchanging a knowing look with Sarada.

"Ohoo btw we also have a soon to be dad and already a dad here" said Inojin, making all the looks fall on me and Mitsuki.

Chocho delivered their daughter some 3-4 months ago, so Mitsuki is already a father, omo the first in our group unbelievable lol.

I'll be the second one, just a few months more.

"Ofc isn't it fascinating we're married and already having kids what are you sinlge ass people doing" hehe I shot back.

"How many months are you now Sarada" Chocho was talking to Sarada. "Five" I heard her say.

"Congratulations to both of you!!!! Finally I'll be an aunt!! Yoo!!!" Seems Chocho was happier than anyone else.

We were showered with blessings until the topic again shifted to the new bride and groom, making Shikadai split out some wine and cough lol.

"You better get her pregnant soon Shikadai" again it was Chocho hahaa.... Everybody burst into laughter, while Shikadai was fully red and Yurei just laughed along with us.

As the evening wore on, we continued to reminisce about old times and make plans for the future. It was moments like these that reminded me of the bond we shared, a bond that would only grow stronger with time.

And as I looked around at my friends, laughing and joking together, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the love and support that surrounded me. With them by my side, I knew that no matter what life threw our way, we would always have each other.

Most importantly, I survived and married the one I always wanted . I'm blessed I return from the train to heaven and landed on a different heaven.

I'm glad I run a massage parlour ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄

I love her always and always will......

[The End.....♡]

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