Just The Beginning

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Ifyouneedinfoonthisauthengotothefrontofthebook... 🌫️😶‍🌫️

All of his life Kayana Midoriya, or Deku, had never been accepted. Though, he should of had a better life. Deku was born with a quirk, but that is the reason he is abused, bullied, and suicidal. His quirk, Devils Blessings, was a quirk only 3 people have had before. The two non-protagonist twins Ella and Stella, and Deku. The twins had their quirk thousands of years before Midoriya had even been born. Ella had the firey half of the quirk, Stella had the darkness half. The fire half could heal, burn, disintegrate, and freeze. The darkness half could summon shadows with weapons and armour and have them obey the user/s. The shadows could be called anytime and were unable to harm the user/s. Deku had both...

Deku was now 11 and was dreading the walk to Aldera Junior High, his new school, where Bakugo, and some, would probably beat him. But when he got downstairs he could never of expected what he saw, a man with jet black hair, pale skin, and a cold hard stare. He finally finished the rest of the steps and the man instantly walked over and check to see his face. "He is Kayana, right." The man asked, though it was more of a statement than a question. I have an older brother Izuku, he had a strong teleknises quirk and was already in UA the hero school. Though we have never been look alikes, I was used to being called Izuku and used to being slapped when they found out I wasn't. "Yes it is him, so you can take him or whatever." My abusers pushed me outside and the man followed. As he got in his rusty blue car he stared at me. "What are you waiting for, get in." I looked at his face struggling to see if he meant it or was tricking me. I nodded my head and got in fast. He pressed a button in the car and I felt like vomiting. I kept it dow,!n though, the man introduced himself as Severus Snape but also told me to call him Professor.

A while later I looked out the window and expecting to see a few houses and trees but choked when I saw clouds. "Professor." He looked back at me so I had his attention but I was hesitant. "Is your quirk like flying or something?" The man just chuckled before his face became cold once again. "No." After that there was an awkward silence and after a few hours or so we landed. I was thinking if I should ask a question or if he would slap me if I ask it but then he said. "Ask." I guess he is a man of little words. Hesitant I start speaking. "Umm ok... Professor, what is your quirk? If it's not flying then could it be teleknises because you told me to ask my question but I didn't even give a hit that I wanted to ask something and I don't think you mentioned it but it's not that you have to I'm just aski-" I was shut off by a hand on my mouth. I look down on the floor as he wipes his hand on his fancy clothes. "Sorry, I didn't mean to..." He looked at me and then at a building I think is a pub. He starts walking towards it and says. "You can say I don't have one." That must of been hard for him, not having a quirk. If I get bullied because of my villain quirk I can't imagine what he had to go through. Then he makes a motion for me to follow him.

As we get closer to the pub I couldn't help but ask. "Aren't I too young to be in here?" When I realised what I said a quickly shut my mouth. No questions, I can't ask questions, I'm going to be hit. He doesn't stop though so I continue walking. When we get inside he stops though, "This isn't an ordinary pub, kid." He says with a cold voice as couple people greet the man but one asks. "W-w-who is th-i-is -S-na-p-p-pe." A fake stutter, of course. "This is Kayana Midoriya, another Hogwarts student." He said while rolling his eyes, a couple gasps were heard, why though my name isn't that bad. The man sighed and pushed through the crowd now forming and motioned for me to, you won't believe it, follow. We finally got past the swarm of people that still, after 3 minutes, were catching flies. We stopped at a brick wall, a dead end, but the man just tapped the bricks and they opened up.

Like magic....

Dun dun dun

783 words not including this... YIPPEE 👁️👄👁️

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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