Just a normal hangout, right...?

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nana yawned as he stretched his arms out above his head and let his back pop into place. It was just three in the afternoon but he was already feeling sleepy. "Damn, if igarashi won't show up for the next few minutes I'll kick his butt tomorrow at school, surely taking a nap wouldn't hurt while waiting for him..." And with that, nana drifted off to sleep. He was woken up an hour later by a gentle shaking of his shoulders and his eyes snapped open. His body ached all over but it was quickly replaced by surprise and a bit of annoyance when he saw the face of igarashi looking back at him. "Hey nana, did i make you wait?" the raven asked while scratching his back, the question made nana frown and cross his arms like when your mom caught you sneaking back to your room from a party "dude, what kind of question is that!? I've been waiting here for like an hour you know!" he yelled and turned his head away, refusing to face his bestfriend.

"Come on..i said I'm sorry already nana, can't you forgive me?" Igarashi begged nana, only to receive a harsh smack on his back. The man let out a yelp of pain at the sudden contact and rubbed his back with a pained expression on his face. "ow, okay okay i get it" He muttered as he turned to look at the blonde who was now staring at him with a glare "sorry, sorry...but come on nana, i'm really sorry! I didn't mean to make you wait this long!" Nana sighed and gave up, turning his head and rubbing the back of his neck. "Fine, fine, just please tell me you're not going to keep me waiting again or i swear that I'll hit you so hard that you will go flying to space and see real stars."  The raven laughed at nana's words, the tension that had been weighing on his mind dissipated with nana's words.

"Hey, it's already getting dark, how about we stay at my place? I'll inform your mom on the way."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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