Chapter Forty-Two: Water Trade

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Friday Evening, 15 March 1985

Ichiro mustered a smile as Mrs. Konno and the host club manager finished their conversation and turned their scrutinizing gazes towards him. The host club manager adjusted his dark red tie while approaching the table where Ichiro was seated. Sharp and narrow eyes, marked by crow's feet, glanced up, then down.

"You've got nice features," the host club manager announced, letting his arm drop before he puffed out his chest. "A bit more polishing, and you could really shine."

Ichiro tried to decipher the meaning of those words, and wondered if his new employer believed him not attractive enough.

"But looks aren't everything. We need charisma and confidence, and you're not showing it with that shy smile."

Mrs. Konno averted her eyes in disappointment, which led Ichiro to realize he'd reflect badly on her if he failed this interview. He inhaled and prepared to put on a good performance.

"That's because Mrs. Konno makes me feel bashful," he hurriedly lied, drawing on one of the many practice conversations he'd had with Kumiko over the past week. "She really is a beautiful woman for her age."

The manager raised a thick black eyebrow while rolling up one of his fists. "Is that so? You're like a schoolboy with a crush. How old are you again?"

"Twenty-three," Ichiro replied with unease. He noticed that Mrs. Konno's cheeks had become flushed.

"Well, you'd better drop the innocent act. This isn't some idol audition."

"Atsushi," Mrs. Konno protested, addressing the manager by his first name, and letting Ichiro know there was a great deal of familiarity between the two. "Stop interrogating the boy and just give him a chance. What girl wouldn't want to look at an angelic face like that?"

The manager expressed his irritation by wrinkling his deeply lined forehead. "You seem to have a lot of faith in this kid, so I'll assume you know what you're talking about as a woman."

"Of course I do." Mrs. Konno placed her arms akimbo. "Picture a young lady tired after a long day at work. All she'll want is to unload her frustrations on someone willing, and who better than this sweet boy right here?"

The manager sighed and studied Ichiro again. "Well, I can't deny that some girls like your type, so I'll let you prove yourself tonight."

Ichiro leaned forward in relief. "You will?"

"Indeed." The manager adjusted his tie again. "When we open tonight, I'll have you go out and scout the streets for customers. If you can bring at least one girl each hour, then the job is yours." He turned back towards Mrs. Konno. "What do you think, Riho? This is the compromise I'm making."

Mrs. Konno lowered her head in defeat. "There was a reason we could never work out, but I suppose what's past is past."

Ichiro took note of her solemn expression, then thought about how he would overcome the challenge presented to him. He'd had no trouble selling tea to people in the past, but in this towering city of Tokyo, he would have to navigate unfamiliar streets and pay attention to social cues he had yet to fully understand.

When Kumiko had shown him around the surrounding area the previous week, his impression of the average city resident was of them being in such a rush that talking to them was pointless. Therefore, he hoped that the evening would be a completely different affair, and he'd be able to find women who were loose on both time and morals.

In other words, the opposite of Kumiko.

The voice of his new manager reached his ears, and he straightened up. "Yes?"

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