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Slingshot was wiping the kitchen counters, humming a simple tune to himself. The cafe had closed not too long ago and Vine Staff and Shuriken went home but he didn't mind staying to clean up.

The only sounds were the squeaking of the cloth against the counters and the faint hum of freezers. He didn't like it. He was always more accustomed to being in loud environments.

He set the towel aside as he heard the familiar sound of a bell ringing from someone entering the cafe.

"We're closed," Slingshot said, turning around to see it was his best friend. "Oh, hey, Skate!"

"Yo!" Skateboard waved enthusiastically as he walked up to him. "What're you doing?"

"I'm just cleaning up. Why are you here?"

"I'm bored." Skateboard sat on a stool and leaned against the counter, resting his head in his hands. He eyed the coffee machine. "Can I have a latte?"

Slingshot raised his eyebrows. "A latte? At this hour? Yeah, no."

Skateboard pouted. "Please?"



"I said no."


Slingshot threw his hands up in defeat. "Okay! Just don't drink it right now. You'll stay up the whole night and basically be dead by morning."

"Yesss!! Thanks!"

The air was filled with incessant chatting as the coffee was getting prepared, the two phighters occasionally bursting into fits of laughter.

It was a nice moment. Slingshot definitely preferred the sound of Skateboard's raspy voice over the uncomfortable silence of the cafe when he was by himself.

"Here ya go! One coffee for Skateboard," Slingshot scribbled his name onto a coffee cup and handed it to the skater.

"Did ya really have to do allat? I'm, like, the only person here," Skateboard said, just receiving a silly smile in return. "Wait, you spelled my name wrong."

"I did? How do I spell it, then?"

"You don't spell it like skatebo-ard, you just spell it like skatebord. Like, without the a."

"Uh, okay." Slingshot grabbed the cup from him and crossed out the previous spelling, rewriting it with the supposed correct spelling. He handed it back to him.

"You still spelled it wrong!"


"You don't add the e. It's, like, skatbord, not... whatever you wrote!"

Slingshot let out a sigh of exasperation, changing the name on the cup again. "Whatever, I'm pretty sure I spelled it right the first time. Dude, did you ever pay attention in class or something?"

Skateboard grinned. "Nope!"

"That explains a lot," the cafe owner replied, smiling. "Now get outta here! I have to go home and so do you!"

"Yeahhh, I know. Meet me at the skatepark tomorrow?"


Slingshot turned off all the lights in the cafe and the two phighters went their separate ways. Skateboard was still convinced that his name was spelled wrong, though.

skateshot thingy (i hope they die)Where stories live. Discover now