03. Sensitivity

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Back in your hotel room, you got down from Heiji's back—limping in slow waddle motion like a penguin towards the bed, too exhausted to change (besides the shoes, which you kicked off) out of clothes and into more comfy ones, laying down onto the bed—moaning out of pain and frustration as your legs still aching and the once dulling pain, from the icepack, flaring up again—wanting nothing more than to sleep, even when it would be such a few hours—migraine already pounding and adding to your burden of current health issues.

»Where did ya put yer medications?« asked Heiji, taking off his jacket and cap, crouching down to your open luggage already.

»In that...uhh...tiny thingy....that bag with the first-aid logo...« you mumble out, eyes closing every so often—seeing your boyfriend only in a slight blurriness, glasses laying somewhere on the bed next to you.

Heiji searched through your clothes—noticing its mostly his clothes, which you never had given back when he had lend them to you, always finding it cute whenever you would wear them—and the few books, mystery crime novels and mangas, you brought along—having found the neon-green bag quickly and zipping it open.

»They ain' in here.« Heiji had looked in your medical-bag twice and besides the other various pills and medications—antidepressants, anti-anxiety, pills for insomnia, painkillers and so on—you had to take more than often, the ones for migraines weren't in there though.

»No! That can't be!« you cried out in disbelief, sitting up instantly—moaning out from the upcoming pain again—crawling off from the bed, letting yourself tumbling down onto the floor and moving to your luggage.

You rummaged through your clothes, tossing the books and everything bulky looking outside and doing a double check again—but nothing, absolutely nothing.

»I had them packed! Heiji! I swear I packed them! I couldn't just forget them!« emphasising your words, you looked at Heiji with a stressed expression and wobbly lips—raking your hands through your hair, gripping it tightly.

Besides the few times, in the very beginning when you had freshly started with your medications, you had never dared to forget them—double-checking twice whenever you pack your bag, making sure they all were there when needed.

So getting told one kind of your pills aren't packed in the bag—as they should be though—makes you questioning yourself with some doubt about your still remaining capacity of independency.

You let yourself fall down into the pile of clothes, burying your face into the fabrics, doubling over from the next upcoming headache wave—and damping them with your tears.

»Hey, hey, my sunshine it's gonna be alright. I'll go to the pharmacy real quick and get ya some of yer painkillers,« assured Heiji you, rubbing your back in comfort.

»You....can't. All my medications....they are....prescriptions...« you shook your head, knowing that Heiji—even when he meant well—wouldn't be able to receive them, not without an official authorisation permission from your Doctors.

»Nah, Imma get ya some painkillers. I promise. Just, stay here, I'll be quick.« Heiji leaned down, kissing the top of your head and throwing his jacket—like a blanket—over you.


When Heiji had reached the Central Pharmacy—a far bigger one with much more logistics than the smaller shops—the sun had completely disappeared down the sky by now, making space for the night—and although the night had started, the streets are still crowded as if it was midday.

Stepping inside, Heiji was greeted with the cool breeze from the AC—an stark contrast to the still warm air outside—walking up to the reception, greeting the Lady politely and stating his kind of problem.

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