it means everything

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OMORI OST 060- it means everything

TW: suicide thoughts and uhm attempted suicide. In the uh first real chapter . Yeah!! TW also for basil because I suffer from babil jumpscare syndrome
TW for kels mom

2 days after ᵗʰᵉ ᵗʳᵘᵗʰ

Aubrey was still in a state of shock. Not in a 'ohmygod I can't believe sunny did that" way. In a 'next time I see this motherfucker I'm gonna punch him' way. She tried to act like she didn't give a shit, but kim eventually caught on.

"Hey, Aub, you good?" she asked warily, anything might set her off, she's seen it happen with basil....more than once.

"Yeah, why?" Aubrey replied, a stern look on her face.

"Uhh...I don't know, you just seem off.." kin touched her shoulder lightly, "I guess..uhhh..if you need anyone to talk to guess?"

"I don't need anyone to talk to, I'm fine."
Aubrey said, raising her voice slightly.

"Ok dude! No need to get antsy!" Kim replied quickly, shoving her hands in her pockets.

Aubrey scoffed, "..I'm not getting antsy"

"Ok, ok, my bad aubs"

"Yeah it is your bad" Aubrey folded her arms.


THE HOOLIGANS had left faraway park by now, leaving Aubrey alone with her own thoughts. She gently swung on a swing, rocking back and forwards. It was almost like sunny was there, on the swing beside her.


Aubrey got up aggressively, she didn't want to be reminded of that. Instead she decided to go to THE HOOLIGANS hangout spot.

Aubrey laid down on the vibrant grass, staring up at the clouds. It reminded her of the times she would try and find characters and shapes in the cloud with Ke-.

Nevermind. Fuck the hangout spot.

Well, she couldn't go home now, it wasn't even sundown. Mom would still be awake. She didn't want to have to deal with that.
So Aubrey went to the lake. It wasn't that far from the hangout spot.

Aubrey dipped her fingers in the cool water. She stared it down. It was pretty deep..Su- He manganed to almost drown it it once. Should she? It's not like she really had anything to live for. Next she knew she was submerged in the icy cold water. She'd regretted it almost instantly. Her heart was urging her to save herself, but her body couldn't bring itself to. Muffled voices she couldn't make out screamed her name. Then she closed her eyes, though not before seeing a long shadow emerge into the water.

"..-------------" "-----------!!!!" "AUB---" "AUBREYYYYYY??!!!!!" Aubreys ears were clogged with water. Something shaking her. The all too familiar voice. Her head pounding with every cry.


"..should I call someone?" A soft voice spoke out.

Aubrey spluttered at the words. Was that...?
They had to be kidding right now.

Aubrey, with much effort, opened her eyes.
She sat up, trying to unblur her vision.

"AUBREY! WHAT THE HELL MAN?" a sopping wet kel was Infront of her,"ARE YOU OKAY?" he yelled.

"Can you stop yelling, it's annoying as fuck" Aubrey shivered.

"Soooryyy" kel dragged on the y. "So uhhh, you okay?"

"I'm fine," Aubrey wrung out her hair.

"You sureee? I saw you uh didn't exactly get in there accidently and I don't think you were uh going for a swim, I mean like it's February so uhm yeah" Kel rambled on trying to be comforting.

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