Born of Urge

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We can see a boy with short black hair and red eyes walking across a street bored of his mind. Seeing how others are having fun talking and celebrating theire own things.

Garito: Don't know if I should be jealous or be thankful that I don't need to be a center of attention.

Then he walked around a construction site where there were two workers.

Worker 1: Hey! I need a hammer!

Worker 2: Here!

Worker 2 threw his hammer but worker 1 didn't get it and it fell down.

Worker 2: I hope no one saw that.

The hammer bounced around the construction site and in the end it hit Garito right in the head.

Garito then woke up and looked around see found himself in the void.

Garito: I guess I'm dead.

Then he looked in front of him and saw a white chair.

???: Redlily Garito-san.

Then he looked at the one who spoke his name and he saw a girl with long blue hair approaching the white chair.

Blue-haired girl: Welcome to the afterlife. Unfortunately, you passed away moments ago. Your life was a short one, but you are, in fact, dead.

Garito: What actually happened?

Blue-haired girl: Simply put: When you were walking around the construction site some worker dropped their hammer and it bounced around a lot but in the end, it hit you so perfectly that it killed you instantly.

Garito: You are kidding right?

Blue-haired girl: No. That takes a lot of misfortunes to be so lucky.

She chuckled behind her hand.

Garito: Hey! Stop laughing!

Blue-haired girl: Alright let's move this along. My name is Aqua. I'm a goddess who guides humans who die young to the afterlife. You have two choices. You can start from square one with a new life, or you can go to Heaven and carry on like an old man. To tell you the truth, Heaven isn't the dreamy place you all imagine it to be. Not only is there no TV, there are no manga or games, either.

Garito: That hell in disguise.

Aqua: You don't even have a physical body.

Garito: OK, HARD pass on Heaven. But I don't want to start from the start again also.

Aqua: On that note, I've got a great offer for you. You look like you like games, right?

Garito: Yup.

Aqua: That world, which has long enjoyed peace, is being threatened by the Devil King's army! The livelihoods its citizens have worked for are being trampled by monsters. Everyone lives in fear of the Devil King's army's merciless pillage and slaughter! ...slaghter!

Garito was patiently waiting for Agua to finish her dramatic introduction of his third option.

Garito: Are you done?

Aqua: Since that's the sort of world it is, everyone refuses to be reborn, so the population is declining. So we decided, "Why not send people who've died in other worlds there with their bodies and memories intact?"

Garito: That sounds good but there is one thing. I can easily die again because I as a human of the modern age can't survive without electronics.

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