Chapter Two

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Oscar stared at the clock, 7:30!! He was going to be late for his first day at Bingle Bongle Lippity Too Lippity Ta Ping Pong Tappy Too Ta Academy, his Mum would crucify him! Oscars mother, Carys, was a short woman but very kind and would certainly yell at him if he was late and give him a punishment he'd never forget. She was the small body big heart type and Oscar had always appreciated her so much especially since his father gone, he had left to go to for milk and allegedly said "My son will never be as Shrexy as Shrek, Carys, I cant stay!" And then he left the day before Oscars 7th birthday and hadn't returned. Oscar was now thirteen and still no sign of the man.

"OSCAR POWELL!" A yell sounded from down the hall, his mother, he was late for his first day at Bongle Lippity Too Lippity Ta Ping Pong Tappy Too Ta Academy. Such a thing apparently warranted usage of his full legal name, and Carys used it. The fairy was still on his floor and had just finished his scream, and his floor was still covered in pink glitter, well it was pink-somehow it had turned white, this wasn't good, Carys would certainly get the wrong impression from this (she could think Oscar was taking cocaine or crack or something worse maybe!) . "OSCAR POWELL IF YOU DONT GET YOUR LAZY BUM OUT OF HERE NOW!!", she yelled "YOU WONT GET TO HANG OUT WITH MORGAN ANYMORE!!" Oh no, Oscar thought, the situation was clearly dire. "FINE MUM!" Oscar yelled, wrong move on his part as Carys was now upset with him for yelling. "HOW DARE YOU TAKE THAT TONE WITH ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She shouted, just trying to get her son, whom she suspected was doing drugs, to school on time.

A scream sounded from the fairy, whom Oscar in turn stepped on again. "GET OFF BIGFOOT!!" The fairy screamed, for being so tiny he sure was loud. "OSCAR WHAT WAS THAT!!" Uh oh, he was in more trouble (as he always was since his mother suspected he had a cocaine addiction) Carys continued yelling like the stressed single mother she was, Oscar quickly got up huand grabbed a blouse that was stained with the pink-turned-white glitter and put it on, it looked even more like he took cocaine or ketamine. He put on trousers and puts on shoes that he forgets to lace and sprints out the door where Carys awaits him, failed with righteous rage and fury.

"OSCAR POWELL!!!" She screams again, the petite woman stood near the staircase with her arms folded with AirPods in listening to a pod cast talking about how to be a good mother, she's been listening to this sort of pod casts ever since she nearly kicked Oscar out at seven years old, and since Oscar's father left them when he declared that Oscar could never be as Shrexy as Shrek. Carys had really struggled ever since such a thing, after all, being told your son wasn't Shrexy was a very damaging thing for a middle aged woman to hear, and Carys was really nearing her later years. The horrific mercurial nature of Cary's anger scared Oscar, so he ran back to his room where the fairy sat on his chair, suddenly full size.

"Hey, Sprinkle, what are you still doing here?"
"I have a name, Bigfoot!"
"Oh really, what is it? Linette? Fayette? Faerie?"
"No it's Aubrey you bloody idiot"
"Sounds stupid"

Oscar grabbed his bag and opened it to put in a pencil case since he was too unorganized to make his bag the day before. Aubrey shrunk and flew into his bag, ready to go to Bongle Lippity Too Lippity Ta Ping Pong Tappy Too Ta Academy with him for the day.

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