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Name: Spencer King
Age: 24
Nationality: Irish
really good at close combat is a badass tbh

is a doctor majoring in physcology
grew up in ireland and moved to america to study when she was 18. She's incredibly smart with a very high IQ and she has an eidetic memory. she's not really the chatty type so no one knows how smart she is.
she's also pretty blunt with answers sometimes but she's very sweet and can be a bitch when necessary.
since she moved from the BAU, she still profiles people even when she doesn't mean too.

she knows a good few languages. very good with hand to hand combat, not so much snipers and stuff but she's obssessed with knives and has A LOT.

has a lot of tattoos and did have a lot of piercings but took them out cus of military.

i'll probably add more details when i think of it but yeah and sorry for any grammar errors and what not.

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