1: Paper needs sleep.

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If u know me, NO YOU DONT. 😡
This is my first fic, let alone POSTED fic, so, pretty please no judgement 😭
I hope nothing was OOC!
(It probably will be) /hj
I feel like there's not enough Knickle fanfiction in the world, so, time to feed the hivemind.

"Ugh. GOD, I wish OJ was here... " Paper groaned, rubbing his face. He continued, "Everyone just... Get inside, I'll get you room keys." The rain outside hit the backs of the four season two finalists as they quickly scampered into hotel OJ.
Paper had just gotten the news that Mephone had left to go start a new shiny season of ii, and throughout the stress of manning the hotel by himself, could only think that Mephone was just plain narcissistic. And finally not seeing that guy for a bit could go either way, in his head.
The bad part about not needing to see that fat slob for a while, you may ask? The fact that our favorite hotel manager has left Paper to do his bidding with the wreck Mephone had left for him.
The four stepped up to the desk in the lobby.
"OK... Baseball, you go with Knife, and Suitcase, you go with Lightbulb." Paper announced, handing Knife and Lightbulb a set of keys to suit the pairs.
"Actually, can I go wi-"
"Sorry, Suitcase. I don't have the time for this. Please?" Paper said, with the last of his mental energy for that day.
Suitcase paused, but said nothing.
The newly assigned roommates made a relieved, yet annoyed haste to their rooms.
Baseball and I were walking to our room when he spoke up. God this all felt like a blur, it took all of me just to comprehend when he was saying.
"I guess you were right, Knife... Mephone did just leave us. Do you think had had good reason?" Baseball asked me, but before I could say anything, he continued. "Of course other than season 3..." With the obvious stated, I gave it some deeper thought, and replied.
"No. At most, he did it for his own personal gain. For all I care, he didn't even leave with the intention of starting a new season." An uncomfortable silence filled the hall we were walking down.
"... Knife? " Baseball spoke up.
More silence.
"I know this probably isn't the nicest this to say but... I know Nickel and I are friends- BEST friends even... But, from what happened at his elimination, "
His face fell grim.
"It might just be better if Nickel and I didn't talk for a while. He needs some time to work things out, with not only Balloon, but himself."
I turned to him, thoughts stirring in my head.
"That's reasonable. Maybe having a season three could give him that time." I answered in a hopefully thoughtful sounding way.
I threw the key up, letting it spin in the air as I caught it. Baseball waited patiently as I unlocked the door, pushing it open.
"Home sweet home. " I said sarcastically.
As we walked in, I jumped onto the closest bed to me, face-planting on it.

I bolted awake, looking around myself. Considering the late time we arrived at the hotel (I would only assume it was around 3:40 something when we got our room keys) it was a surprise to me seeing the silhouette of Baseball getting out of bed.
"Dude, Baseball, go back to bed, it's... " I looked at the digital clock beside me, attempting to make out the numbers in the dark room.
"6:23, why are you awake?"
He shuffled more.
"It's nothing, Knife. Just getting water. God you're a light-sleeper. " he said, as if I was the one who woke him up.
Wow, rude. Nevertheless, I was able to lull myself back to sleep.

I slowly, and less abruptly, woke up, swatting my hand to turn on the lamp beside me. I squinted my eyes as the light flickered on.
Hm. Seems like Baseball was still gone. Or maybe he just woke up before me...
I know it's stupid, but at that moment, I felt it was best I went looking for him.

I rubbed my eyes as I reached for the finicky doorknob positioned in front of me, turning it clockwise and opening the door. I let out a quiet whine, letting my arms stretch up. Shutting the door behind me, I walked over to where I recalled the kitchen to be in a slumped over fashion, to grab something to eat.

Nearing the corner of the hall, I heard the clank of dishes as well as some crude humming.
"Umm... Hello..?" I stepped around the wall as a gasp emitted from the other side.
"KnifeknIFEKNIFEKNIFEKNIFE-" Pickle made a mad dash toward me, disregarding whatever he may have been doing before, to practically throw himself at me for a hug.
Needless to say, we both ended up on the ground.
He laughed as he squeezed me tight under him.
"KNIFE!! OHmygod. You don't UNDERSTAND how much I missed you!" He boomed.
I snickered and started letting out a child-like giggle, higher pitched than I thought I could even go.
"Pickle! Bro- I missed you too!"
I quickly coughed. High pitched giggles? I don't do... That. (Or at least I don't think so. )
Embarrassment washed over my face as Pickle stayed on top of me, essentially pinning me to the floor. He swiftly rolled off me, lying at my side.
"... So, does that bet of yours still stand? " he asked to break the silence.
"Bet..? " I questioned, I don't remember making a bet- oh, wait. Yeah I do.
"That next we met, you would beat me in Mario Kart, doofus! You bet $20 on it!" Pickle jokingly snipped from our, still, shared horizontal position.
I put my arms back to prop up myself, and turned to him.
"Alright, Dill. You're on." I say with a smirk, watching as he hoists himself up on a knee.

He passed me a controller and I positioned myself on the orange couch we had sat on many times before.
"God, I missed this sofa so much."
"Really?" Pickle said confusedly.
"Yeah, trust me, there's not a lot of options on the season two grounds. Let alone comfortable choices."
Pickle snorted, attempting to cover his mouth. It almost felt... Nice, hearing his stupid laugh again. Maybe I did miss him more than I thought.
He pressed start with the controller, and off on the digital racing track we were.
"You haven't played for months, NO WAY you're going to beat me this time!" Pickle taunted. Without a second thought, or glance, I quickly retorted.
"Oh? And who have YOU been practicing with, hm?" I said with a slick smile on my face, even though I knew he couldn't see it.
"Soap, actually. You'd be surprised how good she is." Pickle responded in a calmer tone.
Hm, Soap. I didn't think that a neat-freak like her would be the gaming type. Maybe I'll talk to her about that later.
Lost in thought, I focus back on the TV screen. Goddamnit. He's in first and I'm back at fifth.
"What did I say, Sharps. Seems you've lost your SPUNK!" He mocked jokingly, with a giggle.
One lap left.
I myself couldn't even tell if time felt slower, or faster. But before I could recall a second thought, I heard the little jingle of the game ending.
This was also followed by clapping.
"Wow- I... Congrats dude. Did NOT think you were gunna win!"
I won?
I looked at the TV with attentive eyes, to see that, in fact, I did get first, Pickle in second place.
Pickle then got up from his seat.
"Seems like I'll be getting my wallet. GG man! "
"-Wait" he looked back at me, a hint of confusion in his eyes. The room felt so silent, that the A/C sounded louder than ever. Bringing myself back once again, I continued. "You don't need to get the $20, I guess I'm just... Glad that we got to play again!" A smile soon crept up Pickle's face.
"Oh, gosh. Where did this 'Mr. Sentimental' come from, eh? It almost seems like Mr. knife guy is letting his inner Mr. nice guy shine through!"
With his flurry of bad jokes, that childish giggle of mine returned. I responded soon after.
"I- it's nothing, man. I- just think the money shouldn't matter. " I let my eyes dart away in a fit of laughter.
"Fine, fine. Let's play a few more rounds then!" He said while walking back to the couch, returning my laughs.
Hours passed, lost in shitty gameplay, stupid conversation, and the crunches of various snacks.
After a while, we kind of just kept up a conversation rather than playing. This is nice, I'm glad to have Pickle back, and hey,
Maybe I do giggle like a child.

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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idk bro. probably just a Knickle fic (unfinished atm) Where stories live. Discover now