Chapter Thirty Seven: Founding I

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A/N: This chapter is quite short since I had a rough schedule this week, so I split this chapter into two different parts, hope you enjoy and hope this will do!

The Apartment, Morning

  Rośe woke up to the usual bright sun, trying to tell her "Everything is going to be alright!" She knew things were pretty bad right now, but she had to push through it. All to find Kokori, and maybe Ren if he decides to side with them. But seeing how he went into hiding, it was certainly most unlikely. >Anything new come up?< Rośe reached for her phone tiredly, managing to grip onto it she opened up her messages. Nothing really new came up, all of it was just trying to figure out what to do now and where to go. The hand that held the phone fell, landing onto the mattress as she let out an exhausted and long sigh.

  After just lying there for a good minute, Rośe picked herself up, getting out of the comfort of her bed and onto the hard floor. She wobbled and hobbled out of her personal space and into the restroom, the same morning routine went through, using the restroom, changing out of her sleepwear, and making breakfast. All of that was the same, she looked up at the calendar, the days marked, another school day... another day that should be used to find Kokori... to help the people of this city. The idea may be a bit rundown, it may be boring and overused, but this was the truth to Rośe.


U-Yung Household, Jay's Room

  He stayed up all night organizing his folders, all of his pictures... sigh... all of his evidence. Eye Bags were evident of him working overtime, it was unhealthy of him to be working all night, and it would be even more unhealthy and endangering if he did this continuously. Jay looked at his clock, the time nearing when school would be starting. He didn't want to go to school, after finding Sia missing, working all night, he needed some sort of rest from physical interaction and mental exhaustion of schoolwork. The photographer laid his head on his desk, his small 'rest' would turn into a long sleep.


Bethwell Household

  Nelivia was making some food for both her and Eliward. She planned on making some eggs and bacon, maybe with some kind of bread? She placed the slab of pig meat on the pan, the fat sunk into the metal surface, quickly heating up. It sizzled as it cooked, the smell of bacon reached up and spread across the kitchen, the smell lingered into other parts of the house.

  "That is quite strong..." She commented as she put on the oven fans, as well as opening the windows of the house. She stood there for a minute, letting the smell filter out and become more bearable than the way it was before. Once the bacon finished cooking itself, she moved on to the eggs, as she cracked the yolk and whites into the sizzling pan she thought about what type of egg she should make. Sunny side up? Or maybe an omelet? Instead, she settled for some scrambled eggs, stirring up the insides of the egg together until it was mashed into a pale sunny yellow. Of course, Nelivia seasoned the egg with some salt and pepper, unseasoned scrambled eggs are soulless, giving it that extra kick to it that gave it life.

  "Speaking of kick..." The cook reached for a bottle that would surely give the eggs even more life into it. When the eggs were plated, Nelivia drizzled some sriracha over the fresh eggs. She felt a bit silly and wanted to troll her wife just for the day.


Tempo High School

  Rośe came into her homeroom, it felt alive yet also dead. She sat down at her desk, Hensō wasn't in his seat next to her. She assumed he was running late, perhaps with the busy roads. Her mind roamed into a different subject, a different mindset, it told her to be on guard and in case Hensō was also like Kokori and the other two; an assassin living life as a regular highschooler.

  She wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt, but with how things were turning out and the events that pulled in. From Ryo, Ren, and Kokori's revelation, to Aimi's death, and now Jay's little sister going missing. With this same mindset, it traversed to wandering and assuming things about Renji, Kanae, and Hotaro. >What if they are also like Ryo? Detectives in the day but assassins at night...< She pondered about these wonderings, about what to do if they do end up happening. She shook those thoughts away for now, this was a distraction to her as of now, she was in school, not in the agency.


Bethwell Household

  The two finished their breakfast, now sat upon the couch. "Oh, right! I almost forgot, I have work today!" Eliward quickly picked herself up off the soft textured surface, she ran upstairs to change out of her current wear of clothing. "Huh?" Nelivia was puzzled at this, from what she could remember, Eliward didn't work today. If the people who gave items for Eliward to advertise and sell told her she would be needed then she would have told her as soon as possible.

  Eliward ran down the stairs, all dressed for her work as a salesperson. "Bye! See you, Neli!" "Bye Eli! Stay safe!" She rushed out her words as quickly as she left, a few clicks sounded out, the doors locked and safe. >Strange...< Nelivia sat there in silence for a while, not wanting to forget about this, she got up into the bedroom, looked through her drawer and found her notebook. She had to write this down.

"Même si je ne veux pas le croire, Eliward travaille peut-être pour X-Factor ou Paradox. Il y a eu des preuves dans le passé, mais je les ai toutes ignorées jusqu'à présent. J'espère juste que ce n'est pas vrai, mais si c'est le cas, il sera difficile d'aller plus loin."


Gale Detective Agency

  Hei sat at his desk, hand in his hair as a look of discomfort rested on his face. "Oh my lord... What the hell is this pattern?" He showed his confusion by flipping the pages back and forth, the older detective looked at the X-Factor movement patterns, they have become more disorganized from the looks of it.

  "Seriously..." >When did they start doing this type of pattern?< Hei muttered under his breath, he flipped back to the front page, standing up he decided to take a break from trying to figure things out. He walked out of the building, deciding to go to a library to collect himself and try to get his mind together.

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