𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐨.

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The grades came out this Friday, Ponyboy went up to Mia with his paper and a huge smiled on his face. "Mia look! I'm passing math with an A now!" He said in excitement.

She held up his paper and inspected it, "wow...I'm so proud of you Ponyboy," she said in disinterested.

"Hold on, about the rules you were talking about...do you maybe wanna talk about it at the library today..?" He asked.

"I'm sorry, I can't today. I already promised Tyler and Marcus I would help them catch up on their work." She responded.

"Wait..? Who?" He questioned.

"Oh. They're my friends twin brothers, they're freshman, don't know if you heard of them." She told him and he nodded his head, signaling he understood who she was talking about.

"Tomorrow then? Would it be cool with you to meet up on Saturday?" He asked with a smile.

"Yeah that's good with me, I'll meet you then" they both smiled then walked out heading in opposite directions.

Helping the twins with their homework was absolute hell. Neither of them could stay focused, always finding a way to distract Mia or each other. She could be helping one twin and then the other would be mad that she wasn't paying attention to them.

"Can we do something else, something more fun?" Marcus whined. "No!" Tyler groaned, hitting his twin brother with a pillow. "This is why we're failing!"

"That's not my problem, I couldn't care less if I fail or not." He said, lifting his hands up to block the pillow from hitting him once again. "Yeah we can all tell you don't care." Tyler rolled his eyes.

"A break is all I ask, 5 minutes or less. I don't care! Please!" Marcus begged.

"Holy shit! Fine!" Mia gave in, Tyler gave me a dirty look. "What do we do then" Tyler grumbled.

"Oh! Let's talk about Mia's little date with Ponyboyyy" his eyes lit up and he smirked.

"I already said it wasn't a date," she started. "We did our homework and talked, nothing more."

"Oh come on! I know you're leaving somethings out! I mean why would someone so smart ask to go study? That makes no sense!"

"Okay first of all, be was passing math with a C." Mia huffed. "If I tell you both, you promise not to say a word to anyone? Not even your sister. I mean no one!" They rolled their eyes, "I mean it! If I hear anything for someone about this, the both of you are goners!"

"Just say it already!" Tyler spoke up, "Marc, tell her you wont say anything." Marcus stayed silent. "Say it!" Tyler begged.

"Okay, okay! I wont say a word!" He put his hands up in surrender.

Mia sighed, "me and Ponyboy plan to startfakedating" she said, the last words coming out incoherent.

"Hold on? What the what did you say, i couldn't hear you?" Marcus said confused.

"Me and Ponyboy are fake dating! There I said it! I have nothing else to hide!" She groaned.

Tyler jumped. "Nuh uh! You liar!" Tyler shouted.

"I'm being serious!" She shouted back.

"Really?" Tyler asked, putting his hands on her shoulders. "Really," she rubbed her face with her hands, it's a habit.

"Why would you do that? You do realize that you're going to get bullied so hard for a dating a greaser. Not only are the greasers going to hate you, but the soc's too! And half of the female population will attack you and they'll attack us too, Mia!" Marcus groaned.

𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐆𝐋𝐔𝐄 - 𝐏𝐎𝐍𝐘𝐁𝐎𝐘 𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐒 (SLOW UPDATES)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora