parkers pov:

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as i walked into the familiar apartment, i noticed how quiet it was, this apartment was never quiet. then i realized how much things have changed since then. i sat down on the couch and looked around, taking it all in, this apartment has so many memories, good and bad, this is where i met emily, where we bugged each other like it was our job, where she vented to me about not feeling pretty and i held her in my arms letting her know just how beautiful she was. as i was thinking about all the memories, emily's bedroom door opened, she walked out, her smile was dull, her eyes were baggy, and her clothes didnt fit. "oh. i didnt hear you come in..." she sat down at the kitchen counter and played with her fingers, avoiding all eye contact with me. so, i did the only thing i knew how to, i picked her up, pulled her into my arms and hugged her, "you are the most beautiful girl in the world and i want you to know i love you! i love you, for all you are. you dont have to be any skinnier to be beautiful. you are beautiful to me no matter the number on the scale or what you think. if i didnt have you in my life right now and these past years, lee and i would probably be dead right now. you took care of me so many times when i had no idea what to do with my life, or when lee was acting up, or when he tried to take his life, you were the one who always was there for me. that has to count for something." i finished my little speech and pulled away and kissed her so hard she couldnt pull away. "you know i love you parker, but i cant keep hurting you, or wasting your time thinking about m-" but i interrupted her, "anytime spent with you, listening to you, thinking about you, is never wasted, those are the times i cherish most. i know i have problems and i never open up, but its because i care endlessly about you and i cant stand to see you hurt, and i dont know how to let people in without hurting them, i was in love with lise, and i thought i could never love again, but you proved that wrong and showed me how to live again, but most importantly how to love again, and for that im eternally grateful. " i looked down at her and saw that she was crying i got my thumbs and washed them off her cheeks, i picked her up, carried her to my old room and let her fall asleep in my arms, i wouldnt want it any other way.

i woke up to the sun shining in the room, i looked over expecting to see emily, but her side was empty. i stood up and walked out to the living room, nothing, i walked into emily's room and saw her sitting on the floor with a huge tub and a trash can, she had tears running down her face, i jogged over to her and kneeled down beside her, "princess, what are you doing??" i questioned in a loving tone, "i-i-m-" she kept stuttering because she was talking so fast, "babe, calm down its ok." i tried to comfort her. "our talk yesterday made me want to be better. i know i have said it many times, but i just always relapse, when i remember how beautiful annalise was and how i could never compare, but im going to stop comparing myself and im going to try to leave this part of my life behind me, and focus on more important things. so i have a full tub of all my appetite suppressants, and im going to throw them away, thats where im starting." she breathed out once she was finished, almost as if she was relieved that she was finally after several years, shes letting this burden go. "but the thing is, i dont want you to be annalise, i know it doesnt seem like it, but you are the greatest thing that has ever happened and in the end, i would want you over annalise any day, lise was more of a great friend, you are so much more, i truly couldnt see myself having a future with her, but i see one with you everyday, i thank the lord everyday for blessing me with you. im trying, to make you the happiest girl i can make you. im trying to share my feelings. im trying." i squeezed her hand and then helped her throw away the suppressants. "a new start." she kept telling herself.

"i swear bro, she threw all of them away. all by herself, well i helped, but she came to the conclusion all by herself." i smiled into the phone while talking to emmet. "both of you guys meet me at mastros for dinner! i want to celebrate. see you guys at 6:30" i hung up and went into emily's room and told her to get ready. i went back to my old room and showered and then put on a pair of jeans and a button up and some sperrys. i fixed my hair and then walked out and sat on the couch. i looked over and checked the clock and saw that it was 6:20, "babe, we are going to be late!" i yelled to emily, i then heard her high heels click on the tile floor in the kitchen, so i looked up from my phone and smiled when i saw my beautiful girlfriend, i walked over to her and held her in my arms and kissed her hard. "thank you for loving me" i grabbed her hand and lead her out if the apartment. we walked to the elevator and waited for it to arrive at our floor. "i hope the elevator doesnt break again.." I remembered that one incident, "we are dating now, so i wouldnt mind being stuck in an elevator with you!" she smiled. i chuckled, and then stepped into the elevator with her, when we got to the lobby i let her out first and then jogged to the car so i could get to the door for her, "my lady," i gestured for her to get in and she smiled and sat in the car. once we pulled up to the restaurant we walked hand in hand inside and saw emmett sitting at a table on his phone, once he saw us he stood up and hugged us both and whispered something in emily's ear. we sat down and the waiter asked for our drinks, once he was gone emmett spoke up, "im so proud of you em, i know it could not have been easy, but it is a start!" i squeezed her hand and she smiled softly, once we ordered the rest of dinner went nice and smooth and it was good to see emily and emmett talking like old times, i miss these times, they were much simpler and i had nowhere near as much worries, im just thankful i still have emily. just a few seconds later my phone rang and i looked down and saw that it was lee, "hey guys sorry i have to pick it up, its lee!" i slid the answer button on my phone and said hello, "hey whats up?" lee wondered, "lee, im at dinner with emily and emmett is it important?" i said my patience running out, "geez, no. i just wanted to talk to my brother..." bullshit, "lee what the hell do you want?" i just wanted him to ask and get it over with, "ok so there is this new art display at the miami art museum and i want to take mckenna out on a date there but i need you to sign off on the off campus privileges, please!! you can bring emily, just hang out somewhere different!!" i knew he wanted something, "fine, we will be there saturday at 11, but that means no skipping classes, annoying your teachers/classmates, or being an encyclopedia for the next three days, you must be on your best behavior. if you get in any sort of trouble or cause anyone trouble, you will be losing all off campus privileges for the next three weekends, and i mean it lee, now we are about to leave the restaurant, so i will call you later. remember best behavior!!" we said our goodbyes and then me and em went in my car and emmett went in his, we went back to the apartment and we both changed out of our nice clothes, i put on a pair of sweats and stayed shirtless and emily just put on a tank top and short shorts, she walked out and wrapped her arms around my waist pulling me into me into her. i let the kiss become intense and then i pulled off her tank top as she pulled down my sweat pants leaving me in just my boxers and her in her shorts and bra, just when i was about to take her bra off, we heard the door open and we saw emmett walk in, "OH MY GOD" emmett yelled once he saw us, "YOU SAID YOU WERE GOING OUT!!!" i yelled putting my pants back on, "WERE YOU GOING TO FUCK MY SISTER ON MY COUCH??? YOUR SUCH A PIG!" he screamed grabbing me by my neck, just then we heard a loud thud like something falling, we looked over and saw emily lying on the floor completely lifeless.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2015 ⏰

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