Octavinelle With a S/O Who Loves Exploring!

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Request?: yes, from anon on tumblr


     Azul Ashengrotto

Azul learned rather quickly after you had disappeared many times before this incident that you liked to explore Twisted Wonderland as it was a new world to you after all. However what concerned him was then you wouldn't give him any warning before going on your little excursions. When you come back to him with your uniform ripped, skin scuffed, and hair a mess you best expect him to worry over you before becoming clingy as you recount to him your stories.
Azul was cleaning the cut you had gotten on your cheek as you told him of your latest journey. "Oh yeah! While exploring this time I found this weird secret society!" You say to him excitedly causing your boyfriend to pause and look at you in bewilderment. "I'm sorry, you what?" You only giggle in response and shrug before giving him a kiss on the forehead. "Thanks for cleaning me up again bubs." Azul looks away in embarrassment as you notice his cheeks tint blue.

     Jade Leech

Let's be honest, Jade would likely be going with you for every exploration you go on. However in this case let's say you disappeared without him being able to join you on your excursion this time. When you return from these rare trips that he doesn't go on with you he makes sure to get you a decent meal and allows you to shower in Octavinelle's dorm, let's be honest you're wearing his clothes which are absolutely too big for you as you tell him of your journey while eating.
You sit across from your boyfriend as you eat the mushroom risotto that he had made for you while you showered and cleaned yourself up. "Oh yeah! I found a weird secret society in these tunnels I was exploring." You tell him with a smile, "they gave me some ingredients they use for cooking, they're in my bag you can have them!" Jade simply smiles looking at you lovingly as you explain.

    Floyd Leech

Floyd unlike his twin isnt going on these adventures with you, however he will provide you with shoes as they are one of his special interests. When you return to him you best expect a very clingy eel to be attached to you. Whining about how you left him again and that you're mean.
"Shrimpyyyyyy!!" Floyd yelled as you opened Ramshackle's door, he tackled you to the floor squeezing you tightly. "Floyd have you been here the whole time?" You asked as Grim sat on Floyd's head, "he's been complaining the whole time!" He grumbled crossing his arms. You giggle and pat Floyd's head, "well if you make me some lunch I'll tell you about the secret society I found." You bribed to make your boyfriend let you go.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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