PART 8: hyun

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another weird thing that I noticed was hyunjin:

observe carefully how he acted through skzflix in the clip above.

i heard some stays saying that this hyunjin in skzflix has some connection to the hyunjin from 'On Track' how hyunjin could be recollecting some memories of minho from their past life (rewatch on track now) hence why he was so focused on watching Minhos application vid, looking hopeful of remembering when he passed the ball, and following when he ran out (all in the video above) idk if it's just me but hyunjin definitely looked like he was hit with a flashback from his memory of "On Track" with that girl when they were in another timeline.

my head fr hurts tbh lmao. we freaking asked for answers not more questions. 🙄anygays, theories and depression aside, all of stray kids have AMAZING acting potential like gawd damn...PETITION FOR MORE ACTOR STRAY KIDS YALL!!

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