
21 3 4

Six am. A reasonable time to wake up on your first day of school, right?

"Nooo..." I groaned, slapping my beeping alarm clock right off of my bedside table, making a loud crash. "Well, shit."

With my alarm clock (which was still beeping) practically waking up the whole house, I had no choice but to get out of bed.

Slipping on my slippers, I got up and picked the alarm clock up, turning it off and putting it back in its place. With a yawn, I headed downstairs and immediately turned the kettle on. Always gotta start the day with a cup of coffee, right..?

I was practically falling asleep standing, when I heard a loud and very impatient knock at the door.

"Y/n, get the door, will you?!" A voice yelled from outside. I rolled my eyes- I knew that voice all too well at this point.

Leaving my empty mug on the counter, I walked over, opening the door with a yawn, to be greeted with a bright smile and practically tackled to the ground by a huge hug.

"Janis, you're gonna suffocate me-!" I choked out, giving her a very struggled pat on the back.

"Oh- right, my bad," the brunette laughed, letting me go. "You look a mess."

"It's not even seven am yet, Jay. I'm barely awake.." I chuckled, softly, before rubbing my eyes. Janis was my best friend- so she was one of the only people outside of my family I would actually willingly allow to see me this scruffy..! "Honestly, it's surprising how awake you are." Janis wasn't usually a morning person- so this was a surprise.

"Yeah, yeah," she scoffed, "I came for breakfast. And coffee. And—"

"Okay. I get it. You've come to raid my cupboards." I chuckled.

"Well- no, I was actually going to say 'to see you', but clearly I'm unwelcome." She scoffed, playfully. I knew she didn't mean a word of it.

"Shut up," I rolled my eyes, grabbing her arm and pulling her inside. After practically dragging Janis to the kitchen, I popped down the kettle, before turning back to her. "So! First day as a junior! Isn't that insane?"

"Oh, totally. Feels like just yesterday you were that nerdy little kid I met on her first day of school," She smirked, nudging me.

I'd come a long way from that timid little kid. My once long hair was cut shoulder length, I was taller, I wore contacts instead of glasses- oh, and I wasn't caught dead wearing pink anymore. "Oh, sure. You wanna bring up 'Little Janis'?"

"Ooh... no." Janis gave an awkward chuckle. "Uhm.. anyway! It's a new year, and we're gonna crush it." She grinned, brushing the previous subject off quickly.

"Absolutely." I smiled, handing her a cup of coffee. "You seem oddly enthusiastic."

"Well, it's a big year for us! Y'know.. this time two years we'll be outta there, right?" She smiled, taking my hand with her free one.

"Sure it is. I mean, It's only just hit seven am, I'm not exactly bright and breezy," I snickered, giving her hand a squeeze back.

"I'm sure you'll be 'bright and breezy' for AP Calculus," Janis teased. "You shoulda just told 'em you didn't want to be moved up for.. 'socialisation reasons'. Stayed in the dumb-dumb class with me."

"You know full well I have a much better chance socialising in a group of people who don't know shit about me." I chuckled, almost bitterly. "I like math, anyway."

"Of course you do, ya nerd." She stuck her tongue out at me, ruffling up my hair. "Now hurry up and drink your coffee, 'cause being late on your first day is a huge mistake," she teased.

"Yeah, I know that- won't be a repeat of last year." I nudged her. Last year, we'd gone to school five hours late on the first day- we'd got the date wrong, and thought it was the day after. My mum asked us why we weren't at school, and we ran. So that was wonderful for our reputations in the second year of high school!

"That was eventful," Janis laughed a little. "But yeah. No repeat of last year. We got it this time." She beamed. "What could go wrong?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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I'd Rather be Me- Janis x fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now