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A month after AKs Verdict, her wives became ill.
So did Danielle.

Nia found herself to be the sickest of them all, she'd been vomiting, barely eating and had a high fever.

Danielle had only been nauseated for the most part, just like Taraji and Danielle.

"One of yall heifers probably pregnant and we all feeling it" Danielle laughed.

"Child please, I already reached menopause" Taraji laughed.

"Same" Nia forced out a chuckle.

"I say it's Dani" Fantasia burst out laughing.

"No it's definitely Nia" Dami said. they all laughed.

Nia ran to the bathroom again... she felt terrible. Her fever wasn't going down and she could barely endure.

"I'm about to order a few clear blues, besides I did just leave my husband not to long ago... and that bastard was trying to trap me with a baby" Dani said.

"Not yall playing pregnant roulette" Taraji laughed.

"WE are playing pregnant roulette" Fantasia looked at Taraji.

"I'm not worried... I'm down" Nia said.

Danielle opened the door dash app and ordered ten test. The women sat together in the living room and waited for the delivery.


Agent rose was in the shower, in a luxury hotel room relaxing. She recently just got a promotion because of Brian's absence, which was the only thing she had going on that was positive in her life. 

Agent Rose was a Lonely woman. No family, No children, married to her work. She never had time to herself persay but when she did have a moment... any moment, she spent it with AK.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the voice of Joseline Hernandez booming through the bedroom TV. Joseline brought attention to AKs case to the media. No one knew AK was involved but few people surrounding Zeus Entertainment and her family of course. Joseline and AK were cool at one point until she came to the conclusion Joseline was a junkie and just out of hand. But Agent Rose honestly thought that there was more to that story.

Agent Rose turned off the TV "Don't worry about her, no one trust a junkie" She said.

"I got a charity event coming up, she will ruin my reputation....If it's not one thing it's another. What else could I possibly worry about?" AK stood up and turned to Agent Rose.


Agent Rose dropped her towel, displaying her naked body. She walked to the front of the bed and climbed on it. She positioned herself on all fours, face down, ass up. Giving AK full view of her pussy.


*ding dong*

Danielle heard the doorbell and ran straight to the door. The bag was sitting on the doorstep, she grabbed it and closed the door and locked it.

She plopped on the couch and gave each lady a stick.

"This is stupid" Nia said.

"Me first" Fantasia got up and ran to the bathroom giggling.

"It's literally eighteen bathrooms in this house, why is she running" Nia rolled her eyes.

"Oop attitude much" said Dani

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