2-Worries & hugs

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"I can't wait to see how pissed off Woodsy is gonna be about this" Spider anticipates as he sits down next to Dusty. I settle in between Dusty and Ant, leaning my head tiredly on Ants shoulder and taking a minute to process everything that had happened in the last 20 minutes. I smile as I feel Ant wrap his arm around me, his touch grounding me.

"Yeah, if we don't all get detention for the next month" Dusty replies, fiddling with his chain anxiously.

"She can't give us detention for having sex, everybody does it, it's natural" Ant adds on, whilst Spider leans forward, pointing accusingly at the way I'm cuddled into Ant. "As long as I don't see a line between your names on the map next" he says, joking, although I can sense the layer of protectiveness that he's hidden underneath his casual tone.

"Well you know what they say, if it happens it happens" I say, giggling, mostly to get a reaction out of Spider but partly to have an excuse to flirt with Ant.

"Yeah, its not my fault your sisters pretty Spider" Ant plays along, kissing my forehead. I try to push down the warmth that spreads through my chest at that simple gesture, not wanting anyone to notice the way I react to his touch and the compliment.

"You can both rack off" Spider rolls his eyes, leaning backwards in his chair whilst Dusty smiles knowingly at me and Ant, making me turn hastily away from his intense gaze as if he will see right through me and find out about my feelings for Ant just by making eye contact with me. It is Dusty, so he probably would; he has an annoying habit of being oblivious when you want him to notice something but incredibly observant when you don't. Woodsy finally enters the hall, the laughter and voices around us slowly dying as her presence is noticed.

Before she can speak, however, Harper walks in late...with no hair? I only notice as I hear Missy exclaim "holy shit is that Harps?". I've never really liked Harper as she's always been rude to me for no reason, presumably because she hates my brother, but it's hard not to be shocked that she is now sporting a borderline buzzcut. I don't dwell on it too much however, as Woodsy tells Amerie to sit down and stop trying to get Harper's attention.

"I am a woke woman" Woodsy begins. I sit up in confusion, having no idea where our slightly insane principle is going with this. "I enjoy sex as much as the next person", she continues as me and Ant burst out into loud laughter, causing Woodsy to glare at us both.

"Thank you, Anthony and Beatrice" she scolds, whilst I put my thumbs up and smile at her, unbothered by her exasperated tone. "But reputation is everything and this map has jeopardized your reputations and the reputation of our school".

"We are currently in the process of contacting all the parents of everyone on this map and have strongly suggested that there are to be no more parties, shindigs or gathos". This catches my attention and I snap my gaze to Spider, widening my eyes in panic and fear as he mirrors my expression. Dusty then turns to Spider whilst I direct my attention to Ant. If I'm worried about my mum's reaction, then I know Ant will be feeling a thousand times worse; that one wristy must have broken a couple of the beliefs that Christians hold, and in his extremely strict mother's eyes betraying god is worse than murder.

I grab hold of his slightly shaking hand, pretending not to notice the shaking for his sake and squeeze it gently. "Hey it'll be okay" I whisper softly, smiling reassuringly whilst he manages a small smile back.

I zone out for the rest of Woodsy's rant, tracing small shapes on the back of Ants hand with my fingers until we are finally dismissed. I head to the sports hall with Spider and Ant; we spend a lot of time here, considering that Spider is the captain of the boys basketball team, Ant is also on the team and I'm the captain of the girls basketball team. Our conversation is abruptly interrupted as somebody yells "fight!" and Harper punches Amerie in the face. I immediately run over to get a better view, Spider cheering beside me and Ant recording. This is the second super weird thing to happen today, as Amerie and Harper are usually joint at the hip and whilst they have their arguments it never usually gets physical. As the fight comes to an abrupt end, I head towards Missy, figuring that she will know more about what the fuck just happened.

"Hey, what the hell just happened?" I ask Missy and Sasha, who, disappointingly, look just as confused as I feel.

"I have no idea, Harper didn't show up for me to give her a ride this morning but I didn't think anything of it" Missy replies whilst we continue to speculate what could've possibly happened. After a teacher shows up and yells at us all to clear off, I head off to find Spider and Ant again. I probably should be more focused on getting to my chemistry lesson, but right now there was so much going on that I doubt I would take in a word that came out of the teacher's mouth anyway. I finally find them leaning against the faded, beige wall next to the nurses office.

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask, confused as both of them look perfectly fine, just as they had half an hour ago when we were in the sports hall.

"Waiting to confront Amerie" Spider answers, leaving me more confused than ever, especially as the both look entirely serious, which is a rare expression for the pair of them to have.

"Why? The poor girl just got beat the shit out of" I say, leaning against the wall next to Ant.

"Don't you know? Amerie's the psycho that created that map, Woodsy called her into her office before, she's the reason our parents are getting called" Spider tells me, my jaw dropping in disbelief. What the fuck?! Amerie, who seemed so sweet and so normal, had created the weird-ass map that had exposed the majority of our year group, including me. No fucking way.

At that moment, Amerie exits the nurses office. Anger churns restlessly in my stomach, knowing that she's the one who put me and Noah on that map, however I force myself to keep my face blank, figuring that the girl was already having a shit day and it was most likely only going to get worse from here.

"Why'd she do it? Crazy bitch" Spider remarks as she walks past, the anger and resentment for the girl clear in his tone. "My mum's gonna kill me because of her" Ant added, trying and failing to keep the anxiety out of his voice. I wrap my arms around his shoulders from behind, resting my face on his shoulder. "Well, you know whoever you like and no matter what your mum says, I support you and there's nothing wrong with not being straight" I reassure him softly, worried about how bad his mum might react. "Yeah me too, Ant, always" Spider adds on ruffling his hair as Ant swats his hand away, laughing whilst leaning into my touch.

We end up sitting at the front of the school, before an announcement interrupts our conversation.

"Will the following students please meet in classroom 5D:Amerie Wadia, Harper Mclean, Sasha So, Missy Beckett, Dustin Reid, Spencer White, Anthony Vaughn...".

I laugh as boy of the boys faces drop, nudging their shoulders teasingly. "How have you guys managed to get into trouble already?" I ask, half in disbelief and half impressed.

"...Darren Rivers, Quin Gallagher-Jones, Douglas Piggott, Malakai Mitchell and Beatrice White".

My grin immediately drops as my name is called and Ant and Spider both laugh at me.

"How have you managed to get into trouble already?" Ant mocks, whilst Spider makes fake crying noises. I hit them both on the arm, rolling my eyes playfully as they mutter "ouch". We head towards class 5D as I trudge forward unwillingly, not wanting to find out what else could've happened today.

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