The dares.

105 4 18

(Im so tired so this might be bad, also this was before mash beat them )

abyss's pov

sighs A new day.. It is always the same. says sleepy and gets up. i start to put on the uniform, and brush my teeth, etc.

By the time I'm ready, i start to open the dorm door and head out to the hallway.

Oh, people looking at me. Not unexpected. They probably think I'm a weirdo due to my eye.

Abel: Wait! Abyss!

Huh? What was that? Oh, lord Abel.


Abel: I will walk with you, is that okay?

nods, and quickly covers my eye with my hair. sighs, why does people think he's cold? inside he's kind. I dont deserve him, after all I'm just his tool.

by the time I stopped thinking that, we were already by the classroom door.

(wait do they even go to classes? yk while mash was looking for his class, they weren't doing the class. let's just pretend)

skip till class is finished and the magia lupus finishes their thingy

Love: sighs I'm bored.. We have a lot of free time, after all we got beaten by mash... Let's play a game! Maybe like truth or dare!
(also if it's in mind the font will be like this) Wow, truth or dare? Yeah I'm definitely not playing.

Milo: Do you really think we are playing that?
At least someone understands..

Love: Stay bored then.
Yeah I would do that.

Milo: Fine.

Love: I'm gonna pick who. Since Milo you responded. Truth or Dare Milo?

Milo: sighs Truth. Not taking risks.

Love: smirks Heh.. What is a thing you are most embarrassed about?
Yep, I knew she was gonna say something like that.
Milo: You guys might already know.. How short I am.. he cringes
He's right, we all know.

Milo: Now it's my turn.. smirks
Oh no, it's gonna be something bad.. Rip who ever is chosen.

Milo: Abyss, Truth or dare?

That caught be off guard, but I'm not a scaredy cat. Dare, I'm not scared.

Milo: Well.. I dare you to stay in one of yalls dorm for a day with Abel!

Wait what...?! WHAT. NO.

Abel:surprised  What... Why..? This is ridiculous...

Milo: Don't worry about missing classes. I will just tell the both of you are sick.

Sigh.. A dare is a dare... Lord Abel, I have no dorm mate. We should go to my dorm.

we both go to the hallways and then going to my dorm. oh, people still watching us?

(408 words including these ones, and I will try to post a new part every day.)

Love yall,


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