Where it all began....

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Y/N's POV:

I just got here, I was new and didn't have my car yet so I had to take the bus. I walked for while then saw the bus stop but there was also another thing there...

This guy he was beautiful he had brown fluffy hair and big blue eyes it reminded me of the ocean I was amazed i have never seen anyone so hot before.

I walked over to the bus stop and sat down next to the guy waiting for my bus I didn't know what to do so I said " Hey " I shouldnt of said that oh no....

" Hey " he says back looking deep into my soul drowning me in delight..  Again I didn't know what to do so I asked him " What's your name? " " Chris he says " My n.. n..names Y/N. "Wow that a beautiful name'' he tells me

I was gonna say something but my bus arrived he stood up as soon as i stood up we both got in the bus and paid the coin amount.

We sat next to eachother once again we talked the whole way there and I couldn't stop laughing at his jokes I was blushing the whole time I hope that didn't give anything away.... But he was too maybe he liked me as well I thought to myself " no" I accidentally say out loud

" huh?"

" nothing, sorry I have anxiety so u say things out loud "

" so that's the reason your blushing"

"We-... " The bus stops I stand up to get off the bus but he comes with and I was excited actually...

We both get off the bus and head to the houses. we lived right next to eachother I guess.

I was about to go inside but then I feel something grab my shoulders
I almost screamed but I felt comfortable considering that it was Chris he asked me for my number

And I of course said yes I watched as he typed his digits into my phone I was so happy like getting a number from a guy like him is like winning the lotto..

Then he wispered in my ear "call me when you settle down inside"

"Ok" I said flirtily I don't know why i did it like that but he liked it cause he said oh well see you later in a raspy voice.

that made me get butterflies he ran back to his house and as I was unlocking the door I thought he must've done that on purpose cause that was hot.....

We met at the bus stopWhere stories live. Discover now