The first kiss...

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Chris's POV:

"Damn man I've got a Friend coming over tomorrow oh yeahhh baby but first things first i gotta Nick and Matt".

"I tell them and they don't really care much but there down to hang out too if that's alright with her. They only didn't care much cause she's prolly just like any other girl I mean she is she a great person but she is really pretty wait Chris no it's a friend "

I definitely gotta clean my room cause this is crazy cause I don't think any girl would wanna date a guy with a messy ass room sooo.... CHRIS A FRIEND huhhhh....

I clean my room and I realize it's 2AM I have never cleaned my room for that long especially just for a girl she's a just a friend just a friend I tell myself Repeditly.

Y/N's POV:

It was the morning and I was going to my first friends house I was  happy but scared at the same time...

I texted Chris after what happened last night I said sorry and I told him I was coming now so he better be ready.

When I got there Chris didn't answer the door someone else did..

Hi I'm Nick he says

oh hi I'm Y/N

Oh wow you were beautifully named


Then I come in and I see Chris coming down the stairs he runs up and gives me a hug then he took my hand and brought me down stairs...

We got down there and Chris locked the door and we started talking but then there was a knock on the door it was Matt cause he was the only brother left from the 2 he told me about.

Chris opened the door and yelled at Matt for no reason at all I could tell he was gonna cry cause thats how I look when I get yelled at because i have anxiety just like him

Chris slammed the door and came back to me I stood up and ran out his door and went to Matt's room.

Chris was surprised but I didn't care cause I felt bad for Matt I knocked on his door and I asked to come in and he said ok in a confused way because he didn't know who i was.

I went in and introduced myself and sat down next to him he was crying I felt really bad I gave him a hug and told him to breath he listened and did so he said thank you Y/N ofc I say

Why are you here he asked me

Cause Chris I met him on the bus and I live next door I'm his friend your the only one I haven't met yet

I gave him another hug to comfort him since he was still crying kinda then I told him that he was strong brave and I left to go back to Chris

Hello why did you leave me??? Chris asked I told him that I went to comfort Matt and help him cause he was crying cause of him and whatever but I layed down with Chris and we cuddled it was really nice but when I turned and looked at him I saw his big blue eyes

He kissed me right then and there I was shocked and since this was my first kiss I ran I grabbed my stuff and put on my shoes and ran to my house.

We met at the bus stopWhere stories live. Discover now