Chapter Sixty-Six

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Driving alone with Sandro was quiet, as expected from a drive with my most taciturn brother

The tinted window between the front and back is up, separating the driver from Sandro and I. At first the drive is silent, until he speaks first. "I don't expect you to accept my apologies for forgetting about the movie last night," He says, "I intend to make up for that today."

I admit to myself that it did feel kind of shitty waiting up for him just for him to never show up, and I try not to feel guilty for making him feel obliged to 'make up for that' despite his obviously heavy workload.

My eye catches the friendship bracelet on his arm, but it's now accompanied by a second one, the one I gave him for Christmas. A small smile emerges on my face. I decide to take the risk and ask.

"When I moved in, among other things," I begin, "I wished that I could have the chance to live like a normal high schooler, if that makes sense."

He looks at me, his eyes slightly narrowed in curiosity.

"Like," I continue, "Parties, and dances, and...Things like that. Things that mom and Daniel didn't let me have."

He nods as though he suddenly understands, "The boy asked you on a date."

My face flushes and I quickly turn my attention out the window.

He doesn't answer immediately, "I will preface the situation by telling you that you will be escorted by at least 2 of my personal security."

I'm not fine with that, but I've learned the art of compromise since moving in with my brothers, and so, "Naturally."

At the use of the phrase I learned from him, I can almost see a smile in his expression crack through slightly but almost as soon as it almost appears, it's gone. He nods, "Then I suppose once you provide me with details," He pauses, "That should be fine."


.    .    .

Later, I'm sitting on the couch, the home screen is launched on Tangled. A movie I could watch dozens of times without tiring of it. Sandro stepped away to speak to Elijah for a moment as one of the cooks prepares a batch of popcorn. As I wait, I talk on the phone with Jess and Chase. It's 9:00 right now, so I'd wager it's around 6 for them in Seattle.

"You're going on a date!" Jess says excitedly, "Facetime me when you start getting ready, I wish I could be there!"

Rowan told me after class that she expected me to invite her over to help me prepare, and I have a feeling Jess and Rowan won't get along very well. Oh well.

"Whatever you do, don't take pointers from Ava."

I remember suddenly that Chase was stuck in trouble after the dance at their school last month, "Did you apologize?" I ask.

"Yeah, and do you know her response?!" He asks incredulously, "She said she would forgive me if I agreed to be her boyfriend. And so obviously I didn't care about her forgiveness that much, but then she threatened to tell my mom!" He sounds utterly scandalized.

"She could've threatened worse, isn't her dad Principal Brown?" I ask.

He scowls, "Thanks for helping, Maddie. That totally makes me feel better."

I can't help the smile that stays though. Between my family here, my friends here, my friends in Seattle, plus the memories of Christmas still lingering, and just...Everything. It's so much more than I'd hoped for. "I'm so happy," I say gently.

Chase's scowl at his new girlfriend situation melts away and is replaced by a slight smile, Jess's grin is broader, "I'm happy for you."

"Ready?" Sandro asks me, sitting down beside me. I wrap up my facetime call and hang up as Carlo walks out.

"What're we watching?" Carlo flops on the other couch, looking up at the TV, "Ah, Rapunzel. Love this movie."

"It's called Tangled, not Rapunzel, you arse," Xander says snarkily, sitting down in the armchair.

Francesco sits on the couch beside Carlo pushing Carlo's feet to the floor much to his dismay. Emilio and Elijah take the other side of the couch.

"Well? Start the movie," Carlo says impatiently.

"Patience is a virtue," Sandro says, "Especially to someone who wasn't invited."

"Please," Carlo scoffs, "I'm always invited."


An hour into the movie, Elijah has dozed off so has Emilio. Francesco and Xander are focused intently on the movie. I've found my arms wrapped around Sandro's torso. It was a sneaky tactic on my part to force him to relax, his hand rests on my arm in a hug of sorts, and eventually I just get too tired to sit back up. I'm satisfied though as I realize in typical stoic manner, Sandro has began to doze off.

"I heard Sandro let you go out with Evans," Carlo's voice emerges.

I look over where he's looking at me from his spot on the couch. "Yeah," I answer quietly to be respectful of my brothers who have fallen asleep, "With conditions, but I'm just glad he's letting me."

"I can't say I approve of it," Xander begins, "But if you're happy. I'll tolerate it."

A small amused smile pulls at my lips, "Thanks, Xander."

"He didn't have to cut off that much hair," Carlo mutters as his attention is turned back to the TV.

I watch their eyes turn back to the screen. Taking a grateful look over the room at all my brothers. Ones who at this time last year, I hadn't even known existed. They'd do anything for me. I know that now, they really would.

I hug Sandro tighter.


I'm happy.

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