Chapter 3

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Bakugou stood in the centre of the abandoned warehouse, his body dripping with sweat as he caught his breath. The large, open space was perfect for his training exercises, and he had been using it as his personal training grounds for years now. His eyes were narrowed in focus as he examined the bruises and scrapes on his arms and legs, evidence of the intense workout he had just put himself through.

He let out a grunt of frustration, his short temper getting the best of him. He had been seriously injured during his last heist, an unexpected turn of events that had left him reeling. It was the first time he had ever experienced fear, and he never wanted to feel that way again. That's why he had been pushing himself to the limit, training his body and his mind, determined to become the best thief in the business.  And he was damn good at what he did. He specialised in high-stakes heists and robberies, using his powers of explosion and hand-to-hand combat to execute his plans flawlessly.

He wiped the sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand and looked around the warehouse. It was time for his next training exercise. He closed his eyes and concentrated, channelling his powers. He could feel the surge of energy building up inside him—the familiar sensation of power pulsing through his veins. With a deep breath, he opened his eyes and released the explosive force within him.

The walls of the warehouse shook as a loud explosion rocked the space. Bakugou felt a rush of adrenaline as he focused on controlling the blast, directing it towards the designated targets set up around the room. The windows shattered as the force of the explosion sent shards of glass flying everywhere. Bakugou laughed, his ego boosting as he watched the destruction he had caused.

He moved swiftly through the space, using his hand-to-hand combat skills to take down fake enemies as he made his way to the other side of the warehouse. He dove and dodged, his muscles screaming in protest as he pushed himself harder and harder. His determination overpowered the pain as he continued to unleash his powers, honing them to perfection.

The exercise came to an end as Bakugou collapsed onto the ground, panting and covered in sweat. He lay there for a moment, his mind going back to the time he was injured. He couldn't afford to let that happen again. He had to be in control at all times and prepared for any situation. And he would do whatever it took to achieve that.

He got up and made his way towards the exit, his mind already planning his next heist. He had a reputation to uphold, and he would stop at nothing to maintain it. 

In the dimly lit hideout, Bakugou stood at the threshold, his thunderous scowl sending shivers down the spines of his companions. The team, used to his abrasive nature, had momentarily ceased their hushed discussions and planning.

"What the hell is this?" Bakugou roared, his voice reverberating through the room. "Why are you all lazing around like a bunch of indolent oafs? We have a heist to pull off, not a tea party!"

Jirou, her piercing darl eyes meeting Bakugous challenge head-on, stood up. Her voice dripped with sarcasm as she replied, "Oh, forgive us, mighty master thief. We just didn't feel like getting our precious little bodies all sweaty and sore. And besides, it's not like we're going to be pulling off the heist anytime soon, is it?"

Bakugou's face twisted in fury. 'What do you mean, not anytime soon? The gala is in two weeks!'

"Or, so we thought," Jirou drawled. "Our mission wasn't exactly subtle,  so they'll likely postpone the whole thing."

A collective sigh filled the air. Kirishima, his broad shoulders slumped, as he said, "Well, that's just great. All that planning down the drain."

"Don't just stand there moaning like a bunch of hapless ninnies!" Bakugou barked. "You should be out there, pounding the pavement, gathering more intel, not twiddling your thumbs here!"

Ashido, her usually bubbly demeanour replaced with a hint of concern, spoke up, "Look, I know you're disappointed, but we need to play this smart. If we lay low for the time being, it'll allow the gala to continue. We don't want to blow our cover."

"Cover?" Bakugou scoffed. "We're the best at what we do. They'll never catch us."

"That's just reckless, Bakugou," Kaminari chimed in, his voice uncharacteristically stern. 'We shouldn't put ourselves in unnecessary danger."

Bakugou's glare intensified. "Oh, look, Mr. Dunce has spoken. Don't try and lecture me, idiot. I've been doing this longer than you've been doing this."

A tense silence hung in the air. Kirishima, unable to bear the escalating hostility, cleared his throat and said,"'Alright, that's enough. We  need to take a step back and reassess our options."

"Yeah," Ashido agreed, her playful demeanour gone. 'We're a team, and when we're at each other's throats, we become easy targets.'

Reluctantly, Bakugou backed down. 'Fine. For now. But let this be a warning, team. We're not going to let a little setback stop us. We'll regroup and hit them harder than ever.'

With the immediate crisis averted Kirishima suggested, "Maybe we should all take a break from the heist planning. Just a few hours to clear our heads."

"I'm going out," Bakugou growled. "Don't follow me."

With a dismissive wave, he stormed out, slamming the door behind him. Kirishima watched him go, worry etched on his face.

"I don't like this," he said, his voice low. "Bakugou's been acting more and more hostile lately. It's not just arrogance anymore; it's something else."

Ashido nodded in agreement. "I've noticed it too. He's always been short-tempered, but it's gotten worse."

"Maybe he's feeling the pressure," Jirou suggested. "He's always trying to be the leader, but maybe he's starting to doubt himself.:

Kaminari frowned. 'Regardless of why, we need to make sure this doesn't tear the team apart. We've been through thick and thin together, and we can't let one bad day ruin everything.'

'You're right,' Kirishima said. 'We need to have a serious talk with him.'

The others nodded in agreement, as unease lingered in the air. They were a team bound together by loyalty, camaraderie, and a shared desire for success. But with Bakugou's recent volatility, they couldn't shake the feeling that a dangerous storm was brewing on the horizon.

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