The True Beginning

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You were young when you were left entirely by yourself, no mother, no father, no one looking out for you; well... to be fair, you did have a father, but he left as speedily as he came. You were only about 5 or 6 years of age, you weren't too certain, the trauma of it keeping the time specifics and such captive at the back of your mind, unrelenting to let any information slip.

Your father left you with 3 things, and 3 things only:

1: Always keep your guard up, even to those you care for. He then followed this by presenting you a small treehouse, crooked and seemed to be hand made, in the middle of the forest, far away from any thieves or weirdos the isle had to hold.

2: Forget about anything that doesn't hold a heavy amount of value to you, and you only. He proposed to you a small stuffed bear, pink and purple being featured on its fresh, fluffy fur. He gave you a cheeky grin seeing your reaction to your first, and only toy.

3: If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there. He held your soft, warm cheeks in his hands, giving you his signature grin, then grabbing a dainty gold chain, a necklace. It was a layered one, so it looked like there were two different chains, but they were attached. At the end of each of them, they held small symbols, charms. On the first one, we're two cards, one the Queen of hearts, two the King of hearts. On the second chain, a bright, Cheshire smile.

Your father had placed it around your neck for you, your chubby little fingers unable to grab the clasp correctly. He gave you a proud smile, however, it quickly morphed into one of sadness. He placed a gentle kiss to your forehead, connecting them before grabbing a bag and rushing out the door. 

You were too young, too naive, too vulnerable and unknowledgeable to understand, that your father, the man you had grown to love and been attached to since the day you were born, would not be coming back.


Since that day you have been on your own, keeping what your father had said to you, and the tangible objects he had given you, very close to your heart. You were indescribably frustrated and mad that your father had left so abruptly and without another word, not even a "goodbye", but you also had no idea as to why he had to leave, which left you curious and wondering for most of your time during your days on the Isle. You knew, deep down, that there was a big reason as to why your father left you alone, especially on the Isle.

You could tell, even from the blurry memories and foggy voices in your head, that he did, in fact, love you and care for you, but the barely rememberable images in your head didn't give you any answers as to why your father disappeared...


You barely got by while on the Isle, it was an absolute pain trying to find and steal food for yourself, while trying to still give to the younger kids you knew only ate about 4 grains of whatever was on the floor, a day. Not to mention trying to buy things, like a new blanket during the winter, or even just a jacket for the early morning air. 

However, one day, everything changed for you.

You were given two very special powers, no one could know about, or you would be sort after and, eventually, killed, especially since most of the people on the Isle were power hungry and desperate for anything to try and help their escape.

These powers were given to you by your father, you had had them since you were born but, thankfully, they only now presented themselves to you because of how desperate and in need you were. The first, telekinesis, being able to move things with your mind, but, if you want more accuracy for moving said object, you can move two of any fingers on one hand and guide it to where you wish it to land. The second, invisibility, allowing your entire body to blend in, at any angle, to your surroundings so no one can see you. With these powers, it would give you the biggest help in the world to find food and warm clothing for both yourself, and for those little kids that basically consider you an older sister.

You knew that these powers could only do so much, like with your telekinesis, you weren't able to move a person or anything exceptionally heavy, like a building or a tree. And your invisibility only lasting you around 4-5 hours at the very most on a good day if you have a lot of built up energy from sleeping and eating. So, you further approved of your decision to start using a weapon. People on the Isle were ruthless, so if you weren't prepared, you would probably end up dead.

You decided on something small so you could carry it anywhere without being noticed; daggers. Small, somewhat compact and can be used in a few different ways, they were perfect. You made your own out of a scrap piece of metal you had found on the side of the road, close to the middle of the Isle, and the handle out of the wood of a tree you had cut down about a month ago.

You ensured that the edge of the daggers were constantly sharp, you didn't want to risk anything. Before you officially said that they were completed, you added you, and your father's, initials, yours at the centre, and his close to the edge of the handle. To make sure you would be able to take them anywhere, even if what you were wearing didn't have pockets, you made a thigh holster for each, so even if you were to wear a skirt, you could keep them within hands reach, always.


You were playing with one of your daggers on your old, crappy bed in the treehouse your father gave you, but all of a sudden an ear piercing yelling halted your thoughts. You swiftly turned yourself invisible before moving over to the window closest to the yelling, looking down to the ground... one of Maleficints henchmen stood, looking directly into the window you looked out of...

Tell me if there is anything to add or any mistakes I missed, I don't proofread all that well sooo... 🤭🤭

Hope you guys enjoyed this and I hope youse keep reading bc I don't wanna be writing this just for myself cause that'd be lwk embarrassing.

Anyways hope youse have a good day/night <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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