Chapter 2

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"You should have agreed to join at the very first instance. There was no need of hesitating and dragging it to trial classes", says my father at the dinner table while slicing meat on his plate.

If I had taken that decision by myself, I am sure that would have led to some unruly disputes ending with me never going to that Academy again. But if I say that now, the consequences would be the same.

"Yes, Papa", I answer and look back at my food with no intention of debating further.

"You're gonna eat that?", asks my elder sister, pointing at the fried egg on my plate.

I stare at her and smile. I am allergic to eggs.

"Thank you, Louisa.", I mouth and place the egg on her plate.

After talks about my presumable future at the Axernove Academy and Louisa's college life, dinner finally ends and we get up from our seats. It was my turn to wash the dishes today so I began gathering them slowly. Louisa helps me wipe the table and carry the rest of the dirty dishes to the sink. I look at the moon through the window over the sink and sigh before getting started with the dishes.

"Why don't you wanna go to that classy Academy?", Louisa questions abruptly after making sure that our father has left.

I flinch at my thoughts being unraveled so easily and stare at my sister surprised.

"Am I that transparent?", I whisper.

"No, I am just an amazing sister", she says with a smug look on her face, proud of being right.

I scoff at the blatant brag and throw a cloth on her face.

She grabs it and grins at me and begins wiping the dishes that I have washed.

"I am just...", I suck in a breath struggling to find the right word.

"Scared?", Louisa completes it.

"Yeah", I reply.

"Scared of what?", she asks again.

I wash my hands and turn to her with uncertainty.

"I have a feeling." I breath out and look up at her. "A feeling that if I go there, I will die."

Louisa blinks twice and laughs on my face.

"Well, in that case isn't that a win either way?"

Her words go deeper than they should have. She is right.

When was I scared of death anyway?

I smile and shake my head at the ridiculousness of my emotions and complete washing the rest of the dishes. Louisa stacks them in the cupboard and tells me not to worry too much and goes to her room after wishing me good night.

I stand in the kitchen alone, staring at the moon with a chocolate in my hand, wondering about my decision. I see an owl staring at me from the branches of the oak tree beside my house. It tilts it's head and hoots a soft cry as I bring out my phone to click a picture of it. As soon as I do that, it flies away to another tree. I glare at the owl, disappointed at my luck. Dejected, I turn back and go to my room.

Even the owls have announced my death to the world.

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