Chapter 6

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I cursed under my breath as I rushed to open the doors of my beloved bookshop. The familiar cling of the bell above the entrance greeted me, instantly lifting my spirits. It was my favourite sound in the whole world, signalling the start of another day at my dream bookshop, a place I had manifested since my teenage years.

Settling behind the reception table, I took a moment to catch my breath and admire the cosy interior of the shop. Books lined the shelves, creating a colourful mosaic of literary treasures. The scent of old and new books intermingled, creating a comforting aroma that always put me at ease.

Just then, Nick and Steve, my two trusty employees/Brother, walked in with their usual cheerful demeanour. Despite their rough exterior, they were more like demons with kind hearts, always ready to lend a hand and support me like blood brothers.

Nick and Steve are like the dynamic duo of my bookshop, each with their unique appearance and quirks that add a touch of humour to our daily interactions.

Nick is a towering figure, with muscles that seem to have muscles of their own. His bulky frame can be intimidating at first glance, and his rough exterior might give off the impression of a tough guy. However, underneath that tough facade lies a heart of gold. Nick used to have a reputation for being a bit of a bully, but one day, after a particularly intense scolding from me, he had a change of heart. Since then, he's been nothing but loyal and dedicated to the bookshop. It's almost as if this place belongs to him and Steve just as much as it does to me.

On the other hand, Steve is the epitome of a gentle giant. Despite his muscular physique, he's like a big teddy bear, always treating me with kindness and affection. He's the one who coined the nickname "babygurl" for me, much to my amusement. Steve has a playful and lighthearted demeanour that never fails to bring a smile to my face. He's like the protective older brother I never had, always looking out for me and making sure I'm okay.

The dynamic between Nick and Steve is a hilarious one. They often banter and tease each other like an old married couple, but their camaraderie and mutual respect are undeniable. They work just as hard as I do to keep the bookshop running smoothly, and their dedication is truly admirable.

One day, as I was rearranging the shelves, Nick sauntered over with a mischievous grin on his face. "Hey, boss, did you hear about the new book on how to be a superhero?"

I raised an eyebrow, knowing Nick's penchant for playful jokes. "Oh yeah? And what's the first step?"

Nick leaned in conspiratorially, his eyes twinkling. "According to the book, you've already mastered it. It's called 'Being Yn Chen.'"

I couldn't help but burst into laughter at his witty remark, earning a chuckle from Steve who was nearby organising the displays. Moments like these, filled with laughter and camaraderie, are what make working with Nick and Steve not just a job, but a joyous adventure.

"Good morning, boss!" Nick exclaimed, his smile infectious as he greeted me.

"Morning, Yn! How are you today?" Steve added, his enthusiasm matching Nick's.

I chuckled at their lively energy, grateful to have such dedicated and reliable workers by my side. "I'm running a bit late, but otherwise, I'm good. Thanks for holding down the fort, guys."

Nick and Steve exchanged a knowing glance before Nick spoke up. "No worries, boss. We've got everything under control. You just take it easy."

I nodded appreciatively, knowing I could rely on them to handle things smoothly in my absence. As I settled into my routine for the day, I couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude for the bookshop I had built and the wonderful people who helped make it a success. Despite the occasional chaos and challenges, moments like these reminded me why I had pursued my dream of owning a bookshop in the first place.

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