c h a p t e r_t h i r t y: all this happened in the same day.

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9 : 17 am

He of course had witnessed what Ivana had witnessed also, yet two things was bothering him, 1st, Y/n having a significant other and the 2nd why is Ivana still there? He thought Christina had took care of her for good.

Azurè was there watching the whole scene unfold, from a good distance that is. He watched how pathetic the girl looked as she was holding unto Y/n, her form visibly trembling. Now seeing the two girls go in the opposite direction which meant leaving the new student alone.

Seizing the opportunity to talk to the new student that calls himself Y/n's boyfriend, Azure jogged towards the storage room which Yukki is now closing, he tapped the taller males shoulders to catch his attention. "Hmm?" He turned around to face Azure.

Azure however felt shiver down his spine upon meeting his gaze, his eyes held no emotions while piercing his own, 'how could he be her boyfriend?' Clearing his throat before opening his mouth;

"Don't ever harass Y/n again."

With a raised brow Yukki continued to stare at Azure with his unnerving expressionless face before he started to laugh boisterously, "Man, you are one hell of a comedian." Patting his shoulder softly before brushing past him.

Annoyed at the disrespect Azure turned to Yukki whom was walking away from him, "I'm her boyfriend." He announced, expecting to gain some sort of reaction of the male, unfortunately Yukki gave none to spare.

Deeming Azure a person not worth to waste his breath upon telling him to stop lying to himself, knowing that people like him would come up any stupid reason to back up his claims.

11 : 00 am

The cafeteria was busy and hustling with students as the bell rang, indicating that the last class for the morning had ended. Lunch time was everyone's favorite, aside from recess and the sound of the bell ringing at the last class of the day.

It used to be her favorite, it was the only time she'd only get to know Y/n more,they never got time to hangout outside of school due to schedule purposes, spend time with her more before she get distracted by other people.

Christina and Azure.

That one basketball guy too, ahh yes speaking of that guy, her eyes panned to the center of the cafeteria where the athletes such as him sat, she could hear and see him talk to everyone in the table, Ivana didn't want to admit it but she felt a bit of envy for the guy.

He doesn't seem to be affected by the fact Y/n has a boyfriend at some sorts, which she expected him to react badly to the devastating news.

She doesn't want to be alone, but if she were to force Y/n to go with her, she might even hate Ivana for being too clingy, Now that Yukki was here, he didn't waste any time as he quickly whisked Y/n away from the classroom to only god knows where. Which left Ivana all alone eating lunch inside the loud school cafeteria.

"Yikes, what happened to you?" Christina's taunted, obviously talking about the prominent bruise on her forehead, this made Ivana look up from her phone as it's the only thing keeping her entertained, her face neutral as she stared at Christina before looking back at her cellular device continuously chewing her food.

Ignoring the female's presence altogether.

The cafeteria door opened rather harshly, the wood making contact with the concrete wall, in comes a rigid looking Azure. He was not one to lose composure but to the treatment Yukki had given him made a part of him snap completely.

His turquoise eyes scanning avidly amongst the  semi silent crowd whose attention was now on him, his sights landed on Christina, the ever so calm one. Marching towards her direction although it took time as she was on the far back where Ivana's table was. But when he finally arrived in front of her he wasted no time as he pulled her by her forearm towards him.

Basically dragging her out of the cafeteria, due to this it made her drop her tray of lunch, supposedly it was to fall unto the floor obviously, but using the opportunity to humiliate Ivana at some sorts, Christina threw it her way.

The crowd wasn't quiet as it all happened so quickly, all of them started to whisper amongst themselves, constantly looking at the three of them.

Gasping at the sudden sensation of mush and other commodities that dripped from her head, seeping through her clothes. It wasn't a pleasant feeling really, "What the fuck?!" Ivana said, now looking up at Christina who's letting Azurè drag her out of the vicinity.

Blowing a flying kiss towards her way as a last laugh before leaving the cafeteria.

5 : 06 pm

Y/n stood at the entrance of the school, waiting for Ivana. She was looking from left and right just to see a glimpse of her friend but failed when she was nowhere in sight. She wanted to apologize for not being able to go to lunch with her earlier.

Although she told her that Yukki had asked her out for lunch. She couldn't help but overthink about their interaction, upon seeing the crestfallen look she had on her face that she tried so hard not to show.

"Y/n, might want to hurry it up."

"Your parents are hosting a dinner party, they need you there Asap." Samuel said from the driver seat, Y/n looked back at the school which was getting deserted and back at the vehicle which was illegally parked at the entrance.

"Alright be there!" Quickly she got on the car, Y/n took her cellular device to text Ivana, maybe inviting her to the dinner party to make up for lunch.

Now all she has to do is wait for Ivana's reply.

- To Be Continued

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