Match the coworkers with Levi Ackerman

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Since you were young and can remember, you always loved and enjoyed things that looked esthetically pleasing to your eyes and practiced them even in your own home. It wasn't particularly all the same color or shade, but everything was well put together and organized with labels. You found solace in it, and sorting your room, bathroom, fridge, and anything else in your house made you happy and at peace.

Levi, one of your co-workers at your office job, always noticed your clean and organized work space. When he came into your office to collect papers, you had them neatly stacked in a tray, perfectly paperclipped with your pretty manicured finger tips that tapped away at your very cute and pretty keyboard. He wasn't an aesthetic man by any means; if it fit him, he brought it and didn't bother with designs and such, but he was as clean as they came.

Levi's office, in your eyes, was so clean it would shine without polish. He was widely known in the office for having a cleaning kit in his office, so when it got too dirty and the cleaning staff hadn't arrived for the week, he cleaned it. Even the white of all his documents was always a shade lighter than any paper you'd ever seen, and his ink was just as black. It creeped you out a bit, but more so, it impressed you quite a bit.

Both know as the cleanest and most organized duo's in your office. You now sat across him at a table, a smoothie in front of you and a coffee for him, both awkwardly waiting for the rest of the mixer to show up. Director Ewrin had organized it with the help of Hange, and you and Levi were asked to attend. It was now becoming clear that you were being played with as you sat at a candlelit table for two, tapping and looking anywhere but at each other.

"I don't think anyone else is going to arrive." He spoke, and your ears shot up as if to catch the sound of his voice. "Yeah, I mean, Hange did book this table." You try to laugh, but it's dry and scraping your throat. More silence to let the sound of the restaurant flood your ears. The sound of the chair before you scapping against the floor forces you to look at the shorter man as he collects his coat and places a few bills on the table. You were overcome with some sort of sadness at that, thinking you weren't good enough for dinner with him before he mumbled.

"This is ridiculous. I paid for the milkshake. Come on, let's go get something to eat." He turned on his heel and began walking out. You sat shocked and bewildered at how he spoke, but the longer you sat, the further he walked, so you collected your stuff and paced out of the establishment. That night, you and Levi had the best street food money could buy, drank half a bottle of wine, and fell asleep on your sofa together.

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