1. mac and cheese conundrum

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You never share your toys or communicate
I guess I'm just a play date to you


Jungkook tapped his Armani shoe impatiently on the crema marfil marble.

Being a man of time and the hour, he didn't enjoy lousy tardiness. Especially when he was choked up with this first meeting bullshit against his wishes. He had straight-up stormed out of the room when his father had brought up this vacuous fuckery of an idea.

He had said, "I'd rather die than listen to another word of this conversation," and slammed the door behind himself to make a point. He'd always been outspoken to the ugly point of rudeness. In simpler words, he didn't fucking care.

It was a tough world, everyone was just suffering through it. No sweet talking, no sugar coating. All you could expect from him were truths bitter than craft beer and strict insolence. The man had audacity on him, no lie.

Apparently, everyone in the family had been quite pleased with his father's idea, and told him to give it a chance.

A fucking chance?

You give a chance to a lottery ticket, you give a chance to winning a load of cash in roulette, you give a chance to intermittent fasting after Thanksgiving, you give a chance to getting a Sanrio character soft toy in the claw machine. You didn't give a chance to getting a second fucking wife.

Initially, he had thought this whole second marriage commotion would blow over in a month or two. Everyone would just leave him alone after seeing how fine he was doing alone. But, no, here he was. Waiting for his super late date to show up.

First date, and she was already running fifteen minutes late. He checked the bulky Rolex on his wrist again while gritting his teeth. Pathetic. Absolutely unforgivable.

In his mind, he'd already rejected whoever was gonna show up. Even if she was the prettiest, most intelligent, most decent woman on the planet, he just did not want a wife. For all he cared, Sandra Bullock could turn up and he'd still decline.

It'd only been a year since his Michae had left the world. How the hell did they expect him to move on so fast? Fuck, he didn't even want to move on, didn't think he can. After he had promised his heart, soul, mind and forever to that woman, no one else held a place in his heart.

Well, except his sweet little babygirl, of course.

Just at the thought of her, the corners of his lips soften into an endeared smile. Jeon Seol. She is one year and two months old now. The reason he was alive. If it weren't for his little bean, he would have lost the will to live long back, when Michae passed away while giving birth.

For his daughter and his daughter alone, he was going through this whole shebang of finding a wife. His family, which only consisted of his parents, agreed that Seol needed a mother, a female figure in her life too. And, very very reluctantly, he had agreed.

On the other hand, he knew no amount of love any woman could give Seol would equal to, Michae's, her real mother's love. No one could take her place even if they tried. He had fallen in love with Michae, this second woman would be a replacement for his daughter.

He also wasn't keen on handing his darling daughter to any foreign woman. Who knew what she would do and teach his daughter while he was at work? Yet, he'd been forced into wife-hunting, just for Seol. Couldn't wait for this ridiculousness to end.

Despite being so harsh-hearted, Jeon Jungkook and Michae had had a love marriage. He simply didn't see an arranged marriage having that sort of spark, that extra bit of love. Yes, it was a love marriage, but as fate had fucked its way through his life, he had lost any kind of softness left in his heart. Turned to an unfeeling, irritated man who worked for them dollar bills and his daughter's future, nothing else.

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