Chapter 3 - The Cave of Memories

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After Firenia, Cia and Sol went missing Lorth did not stop looking for them. But He didn't find any sign of them and no one In the caravan has found them.

Lorth kept calling their names as He wandered through the darkness of the forest. Holding a rusty old lantern as the others were looking someplace else.

He looks around as He says to himself. "I hope nothing ill befalls them..." He kept walking until He stopped when He saw movement ahead of him.

Lorth stood still as a small fox with strange markings walked towards him. He looks at the strange fox and took notice of the necklace in its mouth.

A red crystal necklace that belongs to Firenia which made his eyes winded in surprise. He looks at the fox and says with a serious look on his face.

"You... Where did You find that necklace!?!" The fox looks at him with a calm demeanour as it turned around and began to run away.

Lorth looks at the fox and shouts as He runs after it. "Hey! Wait!" He kept following it until He tripped and fell down a steep hill.

Sharp rocks dug into his skin and flesh as He kept rolling down. And when He reached the bottom He cursed as the lamp slipped from his grip.

And rolled towards a large opening of what looked like a cave. Lorth looks at the cave and sees the fox sitting in front of the enterance.

The fox looks at him for a few seconds before turning its head towards the cave. And placed the necklace on the ground and walked away.

Lorth looks at the fox and slowly gets up from the ground with a hiss of pain. He looks at his arm as blood oozes out of his cuts that ran deep.

He looks at them for a few seconds before going to pick up his lantern and his daughter's necklace. He looks at the entrance of the cave as the wind howled sounding like a scream.

This cave entrance reminded him of when He was just a boy. At that time He were out looking for some flowers to give his sick mother.

And when He found the flowers they were inside a cave where it is said a dangerous monster lived. He were afraid to go into that cave to get the flowers and when He got back home to the palace.

He were teased by his older brothers for being a coward and not act like a real man. And after that his mother died of the sickness and He cried himself to sleep that night.

Now as a grown adult man Lorth isnt that scared little boy He was back then. For He is determined to get his children back no matter the coast.

He gripped the handle of his lantern tight as He stepped into the cave. As He walked through the dark cold tunnel of the cave He could faintly hear his children calling for help.

That made him start running and call out their names until He reached the end of the tunnel. But what meet him at the end suprised him and confused him.

For He found himself in the throne room of the palace. The place that was his home until He was exiled and hunted down.

He looks around the dimly lit room as He says to himself. "What kind of sorcery is this?" Lorth turned to look at the throne and made his way over to it.

He looks at the throne for a few seconds with mixed emotions in his heart. And thinking about the events that lead to his exile and losing the people He thought was family.

His children's cries distracted him from his thoughts and made him focus on the task at hand. He turned his back against the throne and followed the sound of his children's cries that became a bit louder.

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