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"Kazuha!" the father called his daughter from the first floor.

He didn't want to go upstairs. He was very tired from work, but since he promised his daughter to take her to dinner at a restaurant, he still decided to fulfill his promise. Now he has come home for his daughter and wife. Before this, he warned them, so that they should have been ready for his arrival. Sana greeted him in a formal, but at the same time chic dress, while there was no sound from Kazuha.

"Honey. Get down or we'll be late!" Sana called this time, but there was no answer.

"Maybe she's wearing headphones?" the man suggested. "You go to the car, and I'll go up to her."

"But you're tired," Sana carefully placed her hands on his shoulders.

"And you're wearing heels, your feet will get tired. Go, and I'll call her," he kissed his wife and began to climb the stairs. "Baby. Kazuha, we're leaving."

He knocked before entering, but again there was no answer from his daughter, so he opened the door.


He froze. A picture appeared before his eyes that he was afraid to imagine even in his nightmares. His own daughter, his flesh and blood, his child hangs from the ceiling, twitching in different directions. Her face was red, it gradually turned blue. The man rushed as fast as he could, almost falling because of the chair under his feet, which Kazuha used to more conveniently end her life.

The father picked up his daughter. This weakened the effect of the loop, and then he removed it completely. Kazuha began to choke. Tears flowed from her eyes and despair was visible in them.

"Kazuha, my baby," the man could not hold back his tears, hugging his daughter to him and at the same time trying to help her breathe normally again.

"I heard some sound and got up," Sana entered the room.

Her eyes widened in shock. Her heart began to beat like mad. Is that really true? Did something really happen to their daughter? A sobbing husband, a rope hanging from the ceiling, a chair on the floor and Kazuha... Red, coughing, tear-stained. She would have fainted if not for Hiro, who jumped up with his daughter in his arms and ran downstairs.

"Hiro, what's wrong with her?" Sana shouted, catching up with her husband at the car.

"Sana, she's unconscious! Get in the car quickly!" Hiro carefully placed his daughter in the back seat, where Sana also sat, placing her daughter's head on her lap.

15 minutes later they were already at the hospital. Kazuha was examined and, fortunately, her physical health was no longer in danger. She lost consciousness from lack of oxygen, but they did all the procedures and now she was safe. True, her mental health was in question. Those who are mentally well will not do this to themselves. This was clear even without a doctor.

A few hours later, Kazuha woke up. She was lying in the ward. The parents sat nearby on both sides. They looked at her, as if studying every millimeter of her face. They were so afraid of losing their daughter. She was the only one they had. Kazuha was a gift for them. They did not plan to have a child at such a young age and even thought about abortion, but as soon as the baby was born, they realized that they had become the happiest people in the world. Losing Kazuha was the worst thing in their lives and they almost lost her.

"Sorry," the girl whispered when she gained enough strength.

"Baby," Sana stroked her daughter's head with her trembling hand.  "You scared us very much."

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