Ding dong
Harry Potter is in the waiting room
Lavender Brown is in the waiting room
Draco Malfoy is in the waiting room

Connected to audio

"I see that you have decided to be on time today, Potter"

Ronald Weasley is in the waiting room

"Weasley. You are late."

"Sorry sir, our muggle wee fee broke and reparo didn't work so we had to ask a muggle eklektricion"

"I bet you have some rubbish muggle Wee Fee. My father got the best one in London. You're just po-"

Severus Snape has muted Draco Malfoy.

"Today, we will be doing the strengthening solution. I shall share my screen and you will take notes on the video I made"

Severus Snape is sharing his screen.

"Everyone, turn on your cameras so you don't use muggle googol to try and cheat. I want to see you write this down."


"Yes sir?"

"Turn on your camera"

"I can't sir. My camera is broken."

"Do the filthy muggles you live with not care about you to get a modern laptop. Pathetic. But then again they are mud-"

Severus Snape has muted Draco Malfoy

A little while later

"Your homework is an 1000 word essay on the strengthening solution."

"You will use the e-mail and send it to SeverusSnape@hogwarts.com"

The meeting has ended

Hola amigos
Two chapters in 2 days?
I am on a roll
Anyways I kinda got the idea from dracosfirstwife so yeh
Check out their writing
I swear I love the fics
265 words

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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