what the fuck

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anybody familar with the days without fnf drama account on twitter ?

if not , basically it's an account ran by some girl ( i think-?? ) who counts how many days we've had without drama in the friday night funkin community

if so , I HATE IT !!

this account needs to fucking BURN

at first i thought it was funny cause like " lmao fnf drama " but now...nah

yeah fnf drama jokes were funny in 2022 , not anymore bruv , its 2024 now , we all moved on , your not funny

but jett , why do you hate it so much ?

well first of all half the " drama " isn't even...DRAMA?? it's just two devs ( who are teenagers ) arguing about something small then they make it up like a day later , but ofc this sonic exe pfped ass cunt HAS to come in and say 0 with leaked discord dms 🤡

any sort of drama or " drama " comes out , 0 , it was funny like 5 years ago , but not anymore , well...at least to me

( and before any of you fuckies twist things up saying im trying to defend a pxdophile...spesifically an indonesian dude who created a mod about his ocs based off geomatry dash icons , FUCK. YOU. you fucking prick )

some of this shit i could understand why they'd say 0 , others , no

and what does this account do with ACTUAL PROBLEMATIC STUFF?

nothing. not a damn thing

and not to mention they will ignore some shit so ig it's inacurate sometimes :/

and the way they send their dumbass stans to harass EVERYBODY , like yes maybe ___ shouldn't have said / done one thing or another but straight up sending people to harass others isn't gonna fix anything. two wrongs don't make a right !!!!!

and to the 12 year olds who say stuff like " We WeRE gOnNa MaKe It To 3 DaYz!! " ZIP IT. your 12 steven , you don't even need to be playing friday night funkin in the first place :/ play mario or summ else idfk fucking call of duty is more kid friendly then fnf oml

and days fnf if you see this by some miracle disrespectfully fuck yourself 😋

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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