S1E1- pogues

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Baileys POV

I take a sip of the beer while trying to balance on the rooftop "that's what like a three-story fall to the deck?" pope yells out to me "I'll give you like a one-in-three chance of surviving"he tells me "should I do it?" I ask "yeah you should jum...

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I take a sip of the beer while trying to balance on the rooftop "that's what like a three-story fall to the deck?" pope yells out to me "I'll give you like a one-in-three chance of surviving"he tells me "should I do it?" I ask "yeah you should jump I'll shoot you on the way down, pow" John B yells as he holds up a drill pretending to shoot me "can you please not kill yourself" Kiara yells out to me "don't spill the beer I'm not giving you another one" JJ yells out "woah!" I almost slip causing me to sill the beer as soon as JJ says it "of course you did" JJ says "right when he tells you, dumbass" Sam exclaims "HEY" we hear a man yelling "yup security is here" pope tells us "boys are early today" John B tells me "lets wrap it up" I yell out climbing down "lets go boys" kiara yells out to JJ and pope we start running around the half built house yelling out "HEY GET BACK HERE" The cop yells out (Gary) "Get 'em their running you're way!" the other cop yells out  we finally get out of the house running to jump over the fence "go pope go go go go go go!" JJ yells out to pope as they climb over the fence Pope trips "get up fatsos coming!" I yell out to pope who is still on the ground "come back here, you little pricks!" the cop yells John B starts honking as we run towards the Van "Come on! boys!" Kiara yells as we jump in the van "hey! hey! hey!" gary yells chasing after the van "check out Gary gunnin' for a raise" pope says as me and JJ stick are head out taunting Gary who is still running Jand J throws a empty can "come on Gary you can do it" I yell out making them laugh "you're gonna give him a heart attack" Sam yells out making us laugh  me and JJ stick our hands out "you're so close come one" we yell out Kiara pulling us back in the van as John B drives us away

I take a sip of the beer while trying to balance on the rooftop "that's what like a three-story fall to the deck?" pope yells out to me "I'll give you like a one-in-three chance of surviving"he tells me "should I do it?" I ask "yeah you should jum...

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The outer banks paradise on earth, Its the sort of place where you either have two jobs or two houses, two tribes one island. figure eight is the rich side of the island, Home of the Kooks. So, guess where we don't live. And then there's the south side or the cut. Home of working class who make a living busing tables, washing yachts, running charters. The natural habitat of..... drumroll... the Pogues. That's us, downside of Pogue life we're ignored and neglected upside we're ignore and neglected, Which means we can do whatever we want, whenever we want. JJ John Bs best friend since the third grade. He's about as local as they come, latest in the long line of fishing,drinking,smuggling, best surfer I know just don't tell him I said that. Kiara or Kie when shes not saving turtles or listening to Marley, or getting a dolphin tattoo, she hangs out with us. I don't know why though shes a rich kid, actually. foot in both worlds her family owns the wreck a restaurant on the south side though I'm not really sure how her parents feel about us same with Sam my best friend since the second grade also rich parents own almost every restaurant and a lot of houses, shes really fun. Pope the brains of the operation and the smartest person I know, a little bit of a weirdo but his father's this legendary character, Heyward. anything you want on the island he can get it for you, but it didn't matter he's a pogue like the rest of us. John B my younger brother just by a month that's our crew.  Me and John B live at our house by the marsh. Our dad disappeared nine months ago, looking for a shipwreck I miss him. then there's our mom she split when we were three. last I heard she was in Colorado, I think it was Colorado. And uncle T since dads vanished, he's supposedly my legal guardian. At the moment he's in Mississippi, building houses which means its just us and our friends. Three months after dad went missing, he was officially presumed dead. I refused to sign the papers so did John B, until we see a body we're not giving up.


"bailey, its come to our attention that you and your brother are minors living on your own." "no..no" the social worker looks at me with a questionable face "no" I reassure her "I need honesty to help you. That's what we want,right?" "yeah, I'm being honest"  I tell her "okay, then when was the last time you spoke to your uncle?" she asks " um 34 minutes ago" I tell her looking at my watch Sam gave me when we were little "when was the last time you saw him?" " two hours and 43 minutes ago" I tell her lying again "Bailey we are gonna go out there tomorrow to talk to your uncle. If he's not there we will move forward with foster care" I actually thought I was gonna be happy to hear that

Time Skip 

Hurricane Agatha coming on the same day DCS was supposed to do my assessment.  the alarm starts blaring as I call DCS "yeah hi I think we're probably gonna have to reschedule" I tell them then hang up

Time skip

I wake up trying to call Sam no service great no power either. "John B have you been outside?" I ask him walking him up as we both walk outside, completely trashed trees down, signs down, the bridge a bit broken its a mess plants in our boat. "why don't we fish?" John B asks. "look at this place everything is trashed" I say as John B drives the boat by pope "mandatory meaning, over" we tell pope pretending to be on walkie talkies "I cant pops got me on lockdown" Pope tells us "come on man your dads a pussy, over" JJ says " I heard that you little bastard" Popes dad says "come on island rules day after hurricane is a free day" I say " who the hell made that up" the dad asks "I'll do it tomorrow I promise" Pope says to his dad " Hell no, boy you aint going no where" he says "make a run for it" JJ tells him "jump on" I yell Pope drops the things and jumps on "bring your ass back here" he yells "I'll do it tomorrow I promise" Pope yells back "I don't like your friends" he yells out as we drive away to pick up Kiara and Sam "hey" I yell out to Sam as we get closer to the deck "what you got there" JJ asks  " y'know juice,yogurt,snacks" she smiles at me as I take her hand helping her get on the boat know going to get Kiara "top of the mornin to ya" JJ yells to Kiara "good morning boys" Kiara says as I help her on the boat "brace for impact" John B says going away "alright speed up Pope" JJ yells out getting on top of the edge of the boat "here we go" I say knowing he's gonna do something stupid  he takes a beer in the air trying to catch it in his mouth all the beer spilling all over him and us "ok thats enough its in my hair" Kiara tells him all of a sudden we abruptly stopped making us fall of our seats and JJ fall into the water we all groan getting back up "sandbar"  Pope says "hey guys I think there's something down there" Pope says looking into the water "what" we say "its a boat" he says "lets go" I say taking my shirt of and jumping in a go down to the boat searching to see if there is something I see a key I quickly pick it up and go back to the surface "I found a key" I tell them waving it around "a motel key" i say getting back on the boat Pope driving us away back home 

Back home

"Lets go" I say getting of the boat with JJ to go to the motel "here" Sam says passing me the keys "be careful" she tells me as I take the keys I smile "I'm serious" she says "yeah I will" I tell her walking off with JJ "what was that about" JJ asks me "just be so careful B" JJ tells me climbing on me pretending to be Sam "oh, come on B just give me that D already" he says as I push him off "get off" I tell him "when are you gonna swoop on that man" he tells me "Calm down she probably doesn't even like me" I tell him knocking on the door "what are you on about she is in love with you have you not seen her checking you out" I scoff and go to the door JJ knocks "housekeeping" he says in a high pitched voice no one responded I get the key and go inside the room its all dark and empty "there's a safe here" I tell JJ trying to open it "really good things here" JJ says stealing a deodorant that was in the bathroom "I open the safe finding money and a gun "holy shit, JJ take a look at this "woah he says taking a stack of money and the gun "put that down" I tell him as he plays with the gun we hear a knock on the window seeing it's Pope and Kiara throwing a rock at us warning us the police are here "we gotta go" I tell JJ  "the window" I say opening it and climbing out quickly closing it again, we are standing on the little rooftop holding on to the pipes next to the window I see the cops looking through the room they leave after that and we climb down to the boat going back home.

the life I wish I had -outerbanks G!P readerWhere stories live. Discover now