TransMasc Noel AU

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Inspired (and creds) to : a_RULERZREACHF4N_ for the idea!
Warning / TW : sh , transphobia,  homophobia , abuse?, sewer slide?, eating problems / ed

(Same key as last time, by the way Noel's Deadname which his mum calls him by is Naomi for theese AU's and Mischa and Noel are together but Noels mum dosent know.)

"My mum doesn't know about me being transmasc though.. she thinks I'm just cutting my hair for fun like it's a 'trend' or a 'phase'.." Noel spoke to Ocean. He was a closeted Transmasc (like me) and he was WAY to scared to come out. His mum was an alcoholic, a pretty heavy one too. She thought he would be 'the perfect copy of her who wouldn't end up like the original', she was right in a couple ways but wrong in most.
"Then why not come out to her?" Ocean replied, clearly a bit confused on why Noel wouldn't come out to his mum. Noel stood there silently, he was in awe, shock even. Did she not know what his mum was like, how she'd probably react?
"Well about that.." Noel whispered after a few quiet seconds, "I-..I don't think you know what my mum is like." He continued. Ocean was clearly still pretty confused, if not, she was more confused.  "What do you mean?" She asked. Noel stayed silent for a while before his mum called him over.
"Naomi! It's time to go, come on!" His mum called.
"Coming!" He replied, "I'll explain again school on Monday, bye Ocean.." he continued before walking over to his mum.
"Bye!.." Ocean whispered.

"You finally got a little freind then, Nai?" His mum asked. Noel nodded.
"She's been my freind for ages mum, it's Ocean , remember her? From the school choir I'm in!" He was trying to stay calm and not spill anything that he didn't want her to hear. He was trying not to be like an overflowing tub of water, too much information would be bad but too little would be bad too. His mum smiled.
"Ah, yes, I remember her! She's the one with ginger hair, isn't she?"
"Mhmm!" Noel replied. The two of them walked home together in silence, little to no convosation as usual.

(Once Noel and his mum got home, btw this is where the warnings come into place now.)

"I'll be in my room mum!" He called before running upstairs. He only got halfway before his mum commanded for him to get down.
"Down. Now. I need to speak to you about something Naiomi Gruber." His mum said in a loud voice. Noel quietly turned aroundand walked downstairs. Once he got downstairs, he stood informt of his mum. Their expressions were the opposite of each other. Noel's was confused while his mum's was frustrated, pissed off even.
"I was going through your room and found this." She sighed, she was holding up a chest binder and a transmasc flag. "Don't tell me your apart of that-..stupid group thing? Changing genders, liking the same sex and all that?! It's nonsense!" She screamed, throwing the binder and flag onto the floor before stomping on it. "Now your wanting to be a boy..oh hevans sake why did I give birth to you?! I just wanted a 'normal' daughter!" She continued ued to scream. She slapped Noel, hard across the face, leaving a red mark.
"Mum its not what you thi-" he whispered before being cut off by his still screaming mother.
"Oh yes it is what I think it is! You fucking bastard I wish I never had you!" She shouted, hitting Noel.  He was knocked down onto the floor within seconds.
"Mum-" he whispered, tears streaming down his face. His mum continued to hit him and scream at him for atleast another hour,
"Why can't you be like your choir freind Ocean?! She's  not apart of this little group thing and she's like the daughter I wish I had instead of you!" She screamed, hitting him again before stopping. "Go to your room, you fucking brat." She sighed before walking off, leaving Noel there, sat against the wall on the floor, quietly sobbing, covered in marks,bruises, and blood. After a few moments of quietly sitting on the floor, he managed to stand up and walk to the stairs before nearly falling again. He was so hurt he had to crawl his way up to the bathroom to bandage himself up. Why couldn't he be the child his mother wanted? There was no point in existing anymore.

(Once he bandaged himself up, by the way warnings are still in play.)

He crawled out the bathroom, carrying more bandages over to his room. Once he got in there and quietly shut the door, he sat against it, a blade in hand and his sleeves rolled up. There were already old scars from doing this there already, what if he just..

"oh that hurt but the pain makes me feel better.." he whispered to himself, tears streaming down his face. His arms were covered in blood. He had relapsed.

(Next day at school, lunch time. Oh- and noel is wearing a bunch of long sleeved stuff to hide the abuse and sh)

"Noel? Are you sure your not hungry? You said you didn't have dinner last night nor did you eat breakfast or even have a snack!" Constance said concerningly. Noel nodded, smiling.
"Y-yeah I'm sure!.." he replied quietly. Mischa and Constance were the only ones in the room at that moment with him. Penny /Jane Doe and Ocean were getting their lunch.
"Uh-Noel? Could we-uh.. speak for moment?" Mischa asked. Noel nodded in agreement. The two bogs went into a different part of the choir room to speak. Mischa gently hugged Noel. He had a feeling that he just needed comfort at that time. Mischa would always listen to Noel's venting so he knew what was going on at home. Noel was silently sobbing in Mischa's arms.
"did you relapse again,моє сонечко? (My sunshine).." he whispered into Noel's ear.
"Y-yeah.. I'm sorry I promised not to-its all my fault-" he cried.
"Woah woah woah! Slow down, don't say all that чорт, моя любов (shit my love) ! What happened?!" He asked. Noel explained to him all the abuse and self harm he had went through that night and how he hadn't eaten since lunchtime yesterday. After a little while of Mischa holding Noel, Noel had quietly fallen asleep in his arms, his head on Mischa's shoulder.
"о моя любов, будь ласка, не повторюй знову, просто скажи мені, коли тобі захочеться це зробити..(Oh my love, please tell me if your feeling like relapsing and i can help you..)"  he whispered into noel's ear as he slept. Ocean walked up to the two boys.
"Did he fall asleep in your arms again after venting?" She asked concerned. Mischa nodded. "I saved some food for him, can you tell him once he's awake?" Ocean continued.
"Yes I will. Don't worry." Mischa smiled.

(omfg this was so sad to write-)
Words : 1182

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