Episode 1: Who's the new cat

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-in a quiet suburban house Tom and Jerry where up to there usual tricks when their owners came through the door and revealed a new pet cat, you-

The male owner said "Tom, Jerry, Spike please meat you're new sibling y/n I hope you'll welcome him with open arms as he's just lost his previous owner" as then the man puts you down and leaves the room to discuss something with his wife.

Spike comes to and shakes my hand "welcome to the family y/n" he says happily and Tom welcomes me too and then I see Jerry as I extend a claw of greeting as he then shakes it as I then say "it's a pleasure to meet you all" as I look upon my new family.

-meanwhile elsewhere a gang of cats approaches where Tom and Jerry live and demand that Tom come out and go take what's rightfully his, his girlfriend Toodles Galore-

Gato leader says "go get yo girl cuh she needs you" and I turn to Tom and "who's your girl?" to which Tom replies in a dream like state :Toodles L/N" and I reveal "Tom she's my sister" getting everyone to gasp

-with that revelation it is revealed the owners of Tom and Jerry, y/n and Spike are going to be moving soon and that they have sold the place as then Tom, Jerry, and Spike reminisce about all the good times they've had as they start packing their stuff to move to Y/N old owner's house that you know and love-

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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