The Golden Gala

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A couple months after the Bad Guys got out of jail, they started to get used to the good life, but some people still didn't like them, much to their annoyance. 

The Golden Gala was coming up in a few days, one of the most important galas of all. Los Angeles City was celebrating Diane Foxingtons second year of governing, and of course, the main design was beautiful golden lights.

 The notorious Mr. Wolf yet again wanted to be given a chance to half the society, showing that they really were changed now. But deep down, he knew what he really wanted, he wanted to win Diane's heart. But he knew it wouldn't be possible, mostly because his reputation when it came to the ladies, didn't match Diane's at all. 

But Wolf never knew his feelings would come to strong once he arrived at the building. 


"Uuuughghhhhhhh..." Wolf groaned sitting on the couch after coming home from his job. "What now ya lazy dog?" Snake laughed as they turned on the television. "Ahh nothing." He said looking away. "I know whats his problem!" Piranha grinned as he hopped down from the small sofa. "He's in love!" He typically shouted as wolf slapped his forehead and everyone's eyes focused on him. "Guyssss...." Wolf groaned. 

"Oh really?" Snake chimed in grinning. "Is the lady who I think she is?" Tarantula wiggled her eyebrows. Wolf found himself surrounded by his friends asking questions as his cheeks burned. "Guys guys, she doesn't love me back." He said getting up. "How do you know that?" Shark asked knowing who he was talking about. "Yeah Wolf, you can't be sure."Snake added with some  snark in his voice. 

Wolf sighed, "Well, I'll find out soon enough." He smirked and with that, he made his way to his room as the whole crew oooed wondering what their charming wolf had instore for the governor. 


"Say, how do I look?" Asked Wolf as he checked himself out in the mirror. "You look fine, lets go lover boy." Snake said laughing as Wolf rolled his eyes. He was wearing fancy black suit and jack with a gold tie and gold lace drawings around the base. 

Wolf chuckled to himself before taking a deep breath, and getting into his newly earned black "1969 National Motors Thunderchief 665 GT" Car. Wolf was most quiet the whole way, besides the fact the he was sighing and humming to himself over and over as the crew just glared at him snickering. 

Finally, the reached the beautiful masterpiece of a building, many still entering. The glory gold essence coming from the entrance only added an arm load of butterflies to Wolf's stomach, he knew that there was a very big chance he could get rejected. 

As the Bad Guys made there way to the entrance, and just as expected, everyone stopped as stared, or took pictures. Wolf held up his hands defending himself annoyed as they showered him with questions. 

As they entered in, Wolf chuckled to himself knowing that they replaced the announcer with someone else who wasn't Professor Marmalade of course. He was a fairly sized sheep with lots of energy. 

"Good evening all! Welcome to the Golden Gala, before we start this lovely night, I'd like to present to you, president of the committee, Diane Foxington!" He said as she smiled and took the mic coming to the stage and everyone clapped and cheered.  

Wolf couldn't hold it in anymore, his tail wagged up a storm and his ears flattened down on the sides. She was absolutely beautiful, she wore a sleeveless dress that was a light sparkly gold. The lighting made her almost glow, and her vulpine soft gaze.... Wolf snapped out of it as shark shoved him slightly he turned around to see him laughing at Wolf's adorable appearance. Wolf shook his head wondering if his friends would ever stop teasing him. 

"Thankyou all for coming, it has been a great year so far, and I am happy to say that we LAPD has been a great success lately, even though we have gone through many trials together as a society, the goal will always be focusing on making the world a better place." She smiled as the sheep concluded, "Please enjoy yourselves in the celebration of the second year for Foxington!" 

A couple minutes later, Wolf was walking around, trying to find his precious lady as everyone started dancing. One thing he knew for sure was that he wasn't going to let her come up to him first... At least that's what he planned. 

"Mr. Wolf" He heard her voice as his heart stopped and he turned around to see her. "Dang it! How come you always find me first?!" He laughed as she laughed along with him. "I was going to ask you-" She started before Wolf stopped her by wrapping his arms around her waist catching her off guard. 

"Not this time, it's my turn." He said smirking as she raised an eyebrow, "Oh?" She said enjoying their playful banter and couldn't help but blush . She put her arms around his shoulders as she noticed something different in the dancing, this one was more slow and intimate, taken with time so that their gazes really sunk in. "So how's the new job Mr Officer?" She giggled as he laughed. "I actually a security guard, but close enough it's going pretty well." He smiled as she nodded. "Are they treating you well?" She raised an eyebrow knowing there may be partiality since he was a Wolf. 

"Surprisingly the authorities treat well, it's my co workers that don't." He said shaking his head as he did her a slow twirl. "Ah, I see, they'll lighten up soon." She said as they continued to dance; and the song Perfect came on. 

The two slow danced as Wolf held her in his strong arms, when he was with her, he felt all his nervousness drain away, he felt happy like he never did before, he was falling in love with the way her emerald green eyes shone in the light, her adorable vixen face, everything about her. 

Diane on the other hand, never knew she would fall in love with an ex criminal like herself, allthough she couldn't help think of how society would react. 

Wolf pressed his hands to her lower back as they danced closer to each other. Diane rested her head of Wolf's shoulder as she barely reached him. Her furry touch sent shiver sup his spine as he found it cute how much taller he was than her. "I can't express how much I thank you for saving my reputation the day Marmalade was arrested." She said as she felt wolf run his hands through her back. It was almost as if they were hugging and dancing at the same time. 

Wolf chuckled, "I can't express how thankful I am that you changed me." He said in almost a whisper as she looked at him slightly surprised. "You think I changed you?" She asked softly. "You changed all of us, and I'll never be able to repay you." He said with glimmer in his eyes as he lifted her chin, "Your so beautiful." He sighed as she blushed furiously smiling sheepishly. "Thank you, you look handsome." She said running her hands across his chest as he found his tie undone. 

They both knew what they were about to do as they slowly leaned, not to their knowledge, many around them including the rest of the crew had there mouth hung open shocked at the sight infront of them, as there whole entire world stopped, Wolf pressed his lips to hers pulling her on the back of her head as Diane returned the kiss wrapping her arms around his neck. Wolf's hands moved to her cheeks as he caressed the fur on her side. They both pulled away as there heart pounded. After a moment of silence, Diane looked away smiling as wolf nuzzled her forehead. 

"Diane I...I love you." And as he whispered those words, it's as if he broke the barrier between them both. Diane rubbed her head underneath Wolf's chin as he hugged her and the song finished. Diane broke away from the hold as they held hands. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He said blushing as she pecked his cheek and smiled "yes" as he let her go and the Gala finished. 

Wolf just stood there, his heart pounding as the he realized what just happened. "WHAT THE HECK JUST HAPPENED." Tarantula asked wolf as she climbed on his shoulder. Wolf chuckled, "I don't know." He said as he got in the car. Once they were about half way in the car, the crew of course piled him with questions. "Did you guys really just KISS??" Piranha asked shocked, "Are you guys together now?!"Shark asked "Were you rejected?!" Tranatula wondered.  "what just happened."Snake concluded as wolf groaned. "Okay, yes, yes, and no." He said as the all laughed and drove home. 

Ohmigosh lemme know what you think in the comments!!! 

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