CHAPTER 41: Social Hierarchy - The Trinity's Dynamic

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"Haxks. Good morning," Thalia greeted with a radiant smile. "How did you sleep?"

"Like a log," Daisuke returned wearily. "Where's the meeting being held?"

"One sec, I'll take you there myself."

He observed as she hurried down the long counter separating them. Behind it, several female clerks were assisting adventurers with their various tasks.

Some were handling new applicants, others were weighing and purchasing Mana Crystals, while most were registering members for job requests. There were even a few deflecting love confessions and cringing when their suitors slumped to the floor in utter devastation.

Daisuke couldn't help but wince at the scene.

A few moments later, Thalia returned after finding a suitable replacement to fill her position. "Ready to go?"

"I'm not sure," murmured Daisuke, "it depends on what this meeting is all about."

"Oh, there's nothing to worry about," she reassured with childlike innocence as they approached a door at the back of the large hall. "This whole ordeal will be for your benefit, I promise. The Guildmaster will give you the details."

Well, I've been through way too much to simply take your word for it, he muttered mentally before chanting the skill: Eye of Verity.


[The Eye of Verity peeks beyond the veil. Guild clerk Thalia speaks the truth.]

Nice. This will definitely come in handy going forward.

Beyond the door, a corridor stretched out, flanked by walls painted with the tales of epic battles and mythological creatures. This path led to an expansive courtyard, designed not just for training but as an oasis within the guild's heart.

Lush greenery, vibrant flowers, and carefully placed ornamental rocks framed the courtyard's perimeter, creating a serene contrast to the bustling guild lobby.

Thalia guided Daisuke through this impressive space. It wasn't long before she stopped at a door nestled at the end of a narrow porch with polished wooden floors.

"Good luck," she said with a supportive smile, her hand resting on the doorknob.

Daisuke scrutinized her expression for a moment before cautiously stepping inside. A lively scene unfolded before him as he entered the spacious chamber, filled with people predominantly within his own age group. A quick survey of their attire suggested they hailed from diverse social backgrounds, mostly modest it would seem.

Scattered among the youthful crowd were a handful of older individuals and young adults, adding a touch of maturity to the gathering.

Thalia closed the door to a slight ajar, peeking like a mischievous child for a moment before she left. Daisuke sighed with a hint of exasperation before moving forward.

The room resembled a university lecture hall. At the front, a lectern stood in position with rows of desks sloping upward toward the back of the room.

As he nonchalantly made his way up the stairs, Daisuke ignored the hum of conversation and prying eyes that followed him. He gravitated toward the back of the class where there were fewer people and an additional exit, just in case he needed to make a hasty retreat.

Zephyr hid underneath the desk when he took a seat. "Sorry for keeping you cooped up like this," Daisuke whispered apologetically. "But you prefer this over returning to my inventory, right?"


Daisuke felt like he was in school all over again—not the fact that he was smuggling an animal... monster... Divine Beast, into the classroom, but just the sheer anxiety of being around so many strangers. It was unnerving, but he tried his best to keep his cool.

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