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"-Lyney- Arlecchino said curtly to the boy who was standing next to her. Very nervous. Where they were? In the Snezhnayan Cathedral. He was wearing her cape, which testified to being a Fatui Harbinger. -Are you ready to possess my throne?-"Yes, "father.- Lyney replied, holding both hands together. He didn't want "father" to see that his hands were shaking. At that moment, Lyney took Arlecchino's polearm, and, with his eyes closed, inserted the blade into the woman's body.
-"I'm sorry, "father,"- and Lyney fell to the ground, where Arlecchino was already lying, and he was The Knave. 

                                                                                    "The Knave..?"


 Lyney returned from Snezhnaya, and with tears in his eyes, greeted his siblings warmly. However, even though it's a warm welcome, it's also sad. Lyney could, and had to, control his loved ones now. He was horrified by this fact. He wanted to comfort Lynette and Freminet, because they were probably a little shaken after the death of their "father". He promised to be a better brother.                                                                                          A better brother.

-Lyne- oh, i mean.. The Knave... Here you have breakfast..- Lynette handed the plate of sandwiches to Lyney, narrowly missing a point.--You have to be.. more careful.- Lyney also looked at the floor, sitting in a large chair in the hall of the House of the Hearth. -When will the children come?-

-They should be back in an hour- she smiled slightly. -I should go back to Freminet. We're going to go for a walk. So.. goodbye, brother. 

Lyney didnt anwser. They didnt feel like siblings anymore. Lyney didnt even felt like a human. He killed someone. He killed Fatui Harbinger.

He killed "Father". 

-Calm down Lyney. Your "father" do no longer exist. You just need.. You need to endure. Keep this state.- he said to himself, Putting a brave face on him.-

He thought about last Freminet's wrods:
"Lyney, did "father".... tell you.. how you can treat us.. after ...becoming The Knave..?"
Lyney couldn't anwser this question. He said:
"Fremient, my beloved brother, just be happy that she accepted you to be alive. We were praying for that right? Everyone in the House should be dead right now. Please, dont cry." 

It was 2 days before his trip to Snezhnaya. He hugged Freminet tighly, while he was in tears. 

He didnt understand fully about his position, but he tried to treat new children how Arlecchino treated him and his siblings. He didnt want to be like this. He just wanted to be a children's friend, silly magician. But he ended up treating kids like things. It wasnt right. But it was right for "Father". 

He often comes to the cementry, to look at the arlecchino's grave. He didnt cry, he didnt smile, he was just standing behind it, while knowing, that it was his fault. He imagined Aehter's disapointed face. He really didnt want to see him already. But time is short. Traveler came to House, just 5 days after Lyney possesing the title of Fatui Harbinger.

-Oh my, Traveler! i-i...- He even stood up from stress, burying one hand in the other, because he was shaking like never before. 
-Shut up Lyney! You could do something!- Aether started shouting. He was.. mad.
-You know that u mean a lot of for me. We've been good friends. I helped you. I trusted you, even when i found that you are damn fatui member! And now what? You are no longer my magician! You would do something, suggest her a thing or two, you know that i would rescue you! you know, i would leave everything and help you fighting her! You didnt need to becoming.. t-this!- Aether started to cry. Lyney's hands were cold. And shaky. He didnt know how to response.

Stop..Stop being jealous that I have siblings next to me and you don't!!- Lyney shouted, stepping closer to traveler. 1 minute later, he started to regret  what he said.- No, Aether.. no.. i.. didnt..

-You said what you wanted to say.- Traveler looks down.- You are right. You.. will be a good king.- his tears started to fall down on his cheeks.

-Just call my name. I'll do anything to win your trust.- he looked at Aether face, and he crossed his arms on his chest.-  I promise. I'm not planning to kill anymore. 

-But you killed. The past sometimes counts, not the future.- and Aether left. 

Traveler thought:
I.. i heard these words..from someone special too... "call my name

Lyney just sat down on the throne. He put his brave face on him, beacuse some kind of child came to the room. 

He was tired.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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