Chapter 1: Butterflies

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Sophie walked out into Havenfields pastures. She quickly noticed a blond boy sitting down with his back against the tree, sketching. Keefe! She swiftly walked over to him but was quiet enough to sneak up on him. She hid behind the tree and looked at what he was drawing. Upon closer inspection she saw he was drawing the memory of him and her flying on Silveny. She whipped her head back around. Why would he draw that? Sophie tried to shake the thoughts away but she was just so curious. She smirked and quickly flicked his head. Keefe turned around and slammed his sketchbook closed.

"You're gonna regret that Foster," Keefe said, smirking. Sophie turned and ran as fast as she could. She laughed as she did so. Keefe chased after her laughing as well. They continued to chase after one another throughout Havenfield. Sophie abruptly stopped due to lack of breath. Keefe kept running and tackled her. Sophie screamed and then laughed.

"Gotcha," Keefe said smiling. They continued to laugh. They both finally stopped and Sophie looked at Keefe. Keefe quickly looked down and realized he was laying on her. He quickly got up. Sophie blushed slightly at the gesture. Keefe offered his hand to help her up. Sophie gently took it and stood up. She smiled.

"Well I definitely wasn't expecting that," she said laughing.

"Me chasing you, or me tackling you?" Keefe asked

Sophie laughed, "Both"

She glanced down and noticed he was still holding her hand. She blushed. Keefe noticed and let go.

"S-sorry" he said, stuttering. She smiled trying to hide the fact she kind of liked that. Wait what? Why am I thinking these things? I need to stop this at once.

"Don't worry about it," she said smiling. He smiled back. They stared at each other for a few seconds and then Sophie abruptly turned away.

She coughed, "We should head back before Sandor has a heart attack or something" She started walking away. Keefe looked at her for a few seconds but quickly walked over to her to catch up.

"Foster? Your emotions are kinda wacky right now. Are you okay?"

"Oh yeah I'm fine" she said obviously lying

"Are you sure?"

"Yes Keefe! I'm fine!" she said, almost yelling at him. Keefe backed off. He didn't really feel like making her mad. He slowed his pace deciding it was better to give her some space. They walked back in an awkward silence. Sophie quickly stopped and Keefe had to stop quickly before he crashed into her. She turned her head to look at him and her face was filled with sadness. She looked like she was about to cry. Keefe felt his heart break at the look she gave him.

"Are you okay?" But before she could answer she quickly hugged him.

"Aw Foster you know I love your hugs, but are you okay? I'm just worried about you." Sophie gently pulled back. Her eyes filled with tears. His fingers clinged to Keefe's tunic. His heart was breaking looking at her like this.

"I'm sorry, Keefe. I should be stronger than this, "she said, sobbing.

"Hey, hey it's okay. It's okay to cry sometimes."

"But I'm the Moonlark. I should be better than this."

"Just because you're the Moonlark doesn't mean you aren't entitled to your emotions."

"But-" suddenly she was cut off by Keefe's finger on her lips, trying to shush her. Sophie glanced down at his finger. Her cheeks warmed as tears still slipped down them. Keefe noticed this and quickly took his finger away. He was also blushing slightly.

"But nothing, Foster. You're allowed to feel your emotions."

Sophie took in a shaky breath, "I'm sorry I yelled at you. I just have a lot on my mind right now."

"That's okay. If you ever need to talk to someone just ask. I'll always be here for you, Foster." Keefe flashed a smile at her. Sophie's eyes began to dry.

"C'mon let's get you back home." They walked back together in silence but it wasn't awkward like before. When Sophie got to the door she thanked Keefe and said her goodbyes. She ran upstairs and watched him gather his stuff from underneath the Panakes Tree and leap home. That was an interesting day. He's such a kind person. Please don't take that out of context. I don't like him like that. Then her mind flashed back to the moment where he put his finger on her lips to shush her. She blushed and shook her head. Stop it! I don't like him! Sophie tried to shake the thoughts as she went to bed. She laid down and rested her head on her pillow. I just need to forget these silly thoughts. We are just friends. Nothing more.

A/N-Thank you so much for reading. My schedule for publishing will probably every 2 weeks maybe (Not exactly but around that). I'm quite busy but I will write as much as I can! Also I will be doing a Question Of The Chapter (QOTC). Other than that thank you!

QOTC-Fav KOTLC character?

Mine is either Marella, Biana, Keefe or Sophie (I like all the characters for different reasons).

See y'all next chapter!

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