To death does us apart Chapter 1-5

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Chapter 1

She wanted to rip out her father's tie, bind it around her neck and die in this very spot.

She must have misheard what her father had said, because this surely was too crazy to be true. she was going to get married to the enemy family,

one of the most feared mafia gangs in Chicago, her family and their family has been rivaling for centuries, but uniting them, that would make them even more powerful and feared. But it must be true, because her now fiancé Leon stood across the room grinning viscously at her.,

that bastard.

they had the same raven hair color. He was tall, so tall she must tilt her head backwards almost all the way just to see his face. He was wearing a white shirt with a few open buttons at the top which shows off his muscular chest, his black pants were also poorly put on as if he had just woken up.

He only accepted the offer to marry her so he could make her life a living hell.

She wished there was a chair around so she could sit down, nausea and darkness threatened in the corner of her eyes, their fathers had already signed the contract into uniting the two biggest mafia rivals. This marriage was only to make them more feared. Fear she realized was the only thing her father cared about. Not who she was with or what happened to her, she felt so naïve to think her father actually cared for her, she knew it since she was a child.

"The ceremony will be in two weeks," her soon to be father-in-law said, he pointed to his son Leon with a proud gesture. "Leon has booked the church and will take care of the rest, too. If that's fine for you." She was struggling to hear what he was saying when all she could think about was how her father could go through with this crazy idea.

"Katlin," her father snapped her out of her thoughts. She looked at Mr Hames, he had a small amount of grey hair, but she didn't know how old he actually is, even though he had been their enemy for ages. she nodded her head trying not to show her shaking hands. She didn't want to look at Leon, she didn't want to see his face of what he was going to do to her.

she wanted to scream, to refuse and scratch away the wicked grin he sent her way, but she couldn't.

he had already signed the marriage contract. she couldn't show how much she feared Leon either, if he was anything like his brother, she already knew how to end her life before he could do anything. But she has to wait, wait until after the vows has been shared to then escape this madness, and him. She forced a smile on her lips, one that didn't reach her eyes. One that didn't sparkle in the light or one where all her teeth were on display.  Not the one she used when something was so funny she would throw her head back after. She mumbled, "I can't wait sir, it would be a clever decision to unite our families again." She hated the smile her father gave her, innocent for a naked eye, but she knew he meant for her to behave herself. So, she did,

She smiled for what seemed like hours.

Mr Hames and her pathetic father left the room to let Leon and Katlin talk, she shifted on her body nervously and crossed her arms. Leon stood there leaning on the wall probably looking forward to torture her life. He was indeed handsome, much more than his brother she fell in love with. They stood there for several seconds in silence staring at each other, until she said in a soft voice. "I'm sure you're looking forward to it," they both knew she wasn't talking about their wedding. He said without smiling,

"I didn't want this either Mrs. Hames, please don't take me for being cruel, I'm not like you." He said as he stared with rage into her soul. But it was also her time to be mad, she said in a lady's voice. One only a true villain from a fairytale would probably use "My name isn't Mrs. Hames;" she will never be called that, just the thought of spending the rest of her life with him was enough. "I don't want to correct you again. Also, I dd not kill your brother, though I would gladly hear his screams again as he burned inside the house I made love to him Leon." She said his name as an insult and almost spat it. It was the most honest thing she had ever said and the most terrifying, before she could even see him moving, he had cornered her, her back to the wall and his hand slammed into the wall, not far from her head. She flinched at his move, He looked furious, his nostrils blared, and his chest went up and down fast, his almost crystal grey eyes were staring into her own emerald eyes. "I'm close to give you a black eye for just saying my name like that."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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