Sit Down Bitch i have fucking tea

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Just saying this bit so it all makes sense: I'm a trans-boy, my names Miles and I use a homemade binder.

Story: So i was the park with my friends (Grace, Alesia are the most important in this story), Grace saw a scar on my back so i showed her and Alesia saw my Binder. Alesia goes 'EW! WHY ARE YOU WEARING THAT?! ITS A FETISH!' me and Grace are just stood in shock, she kept calling me She/her and she kept calling me Millie/Millicent. I snapped at her, I pushed her to the floor and then she attacked me. So now I'm in trouble with my mum and her mum was screaming at my face, her mum called me a Tr*nny! Her mums Romanian and she doesn't know much about English so I try to explain to her that it's a slur and she just goes 'let me speak you f!cking Tr!nny!'


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