O58| From Ashes.

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Yoongi was clingy.

He was clingy, and touchy, and lacked any concept of personal space. It was hopeless, pathetic and absolutely endearing.

"Yoongi," you giggled, "this is ridiculous."

"No it's not," he called and you scoffed, turning around and peaking your head out of the bathroom.

"I can't take a shower if you insist on holding my hand," you said, settling back beside him on the doorway of his bedroom.

His bedroom here was pretty similar to the one in District Four, the deep dark colors, the curtains that blocked out any hint of sunlight. It smelled like him, which in hindsight was one of the most comforting aspects of it all.

Yoongi had made it his personal mission to ensure that he had one hand on you at all times. That wasn't so much a problem when you were with Hoseok or trying to navigate the hallways of this facility as it now, trying to take a shower.

"Do you really need to shower? I mean you smell fine," he said and you rolled your eyes. This was adorable, really.

"I won't for long," you said holding your hand over his, "you'll be right here, I think I'll be safe."

He left out a sigh, "that's not the point," he said and you arched a skeptical eyebrow. "I just..." he looked down at your hands, his lashes caught the light from the open bathroom door, before fluttering up to you. "You were dead," he said and your heart stuttered, the realization had yet to sink in. "And now you're here, alive."

"And you're scared?" You asked softly, and he leaned his head against the wall with a deep exhale.

"I'm terrified." You placed your hand on the cradle of his jaw, swiping your thumb softly over his cheekbones. "I'm so scared I haven't even gotten mad at you yet."

You settled beside him and chuckled, "it'll come eventually."

He shook his head, "that was careless," he said and you nodded, "irresponsible, stupid even— if I didn't love you, God I would chew you out for doing something so brainless!"

You let out a soft gasp, covering your lips with your hands abruptly. Yoongi looked at you, confused, "what?"

"You love me?" You asked he looked at you for a few seconds before deflating back against the wall.

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