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PERSPECTIVE: Misae Nisihara

This version has been altered from the original to more suit my current ideas.

It was a bright new day back at Senior High School!
I'm Misae Nisihara, I'm in class 3-2 and part of the swimming club!

Here's what my wake up schedule consisted of:

- Wake up

- Snooze for 5 minutes

- Check the clock

- Realize my 5 minute snooze turned into 20

- Panic

- Rush getting ready

- Grab a sandwich I didn't finish yesterday out of the fridge

- Bolt out the door

- Greet my neighbor, Hiromi Takeda, who was for some reason not at school yet

- Rush to school

- Nobody's there

- Realize my clock was wrong and I don't have school for another 30 minutes

- Contemplate life choices

- Wait thirty minutes by sitting outside the school, eating my sandwich and scrolling through Twitter on my phone

Yeah maybe I'm not the smartest person alive.Everyone starts filing in to the school. I follow in but stop in my tracks when I see the most hottest chick (at least to me) in the school.

Naomi Hasunuma, in class 3-1 and member of the gaming club. A quiet, video game-loving lady who could kill me in a second, just my type. She's one of the badass girls in my school once you get to know here, so I have zero chance with her, but I still try anyway. She was walking so gracefully with the rest of the gaming club members at school. Man I would sell my left kidney for a smooch from her.

???: "Whatcha lookin at, Misae?"

I look behind me to find the source of the voice. Michiho Okabe, class 3-4 and part of the basketball team. A lover of all things sweet while at the same time being strong and fast as fuck. I wouldn't say she's hot to me, but if she asked me out I would totally say yes.

Misae: "Just lookin at Naomi again. What's up?"

Michiho laughs at me. Not like in a mean way though, Michiho's cool like that.

Michiho: "Again? What's your progress with her so far?"

My heart skips a beat when she asks this and I smile. I put my head in my hands like anime girls do when they are in love and they have this whole sequence with roses and a thought bubble of the person they love.

Misae: "I said hi to her in the halls again and she gave me a weird look!"

I sigh jokingly. In all seriousness though, I think I'm making progress.

Michiho: "Oh well I talked to her on my shift at Burgermaid yesterday! Turns out she's a sweets lover just like me!"

I gasp at her. This was a total surprise to me.

Misae: "You were hanging out with her and you didn't invite MOI?"

I jokingly pretend to cry and push nonexistant hair behind my ear.

Michiho: "Cut it out Misae!"

Michiho laughs and pushes me a bit. The bell rings to signify the first class of the day was starting.
Me and Michiho exchange looks as we smirk and bolt for the stairs to get to our classrooms.


Misae Nisihara

Class 3-2

Swimming Club



Fast, Funny, Risktaker

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