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Juniper found herself enjoying this place, her farm, her friends— she had moved in only a few months ago. One thing however, one person, kept her from enjoying this experience fully. Maybe it was his disdain for anything unfamiliar, maybe it was his discomfort for the chest pains he's been going through as of late, maybe he just didn't like her.

"Sebastian! just help me pack these groceries."

"I don't even know why I'm here."

Juniper groaned— she knew she wasn't going to get anything done with him standing there. No, he was much too big of a distraction. She carefully placed her drink on her kitchen counter and sighed. Just breathe, Juni.

"I don't either. If you're not helping, just go."

Sebastian grumbled to himself; god, she's so fucking annoying.

He picked up the cup from behind Juniper— she stood still, frozen in time much like a stone statue the Greeks would have made, which checks out, she looks like a Godde-

Sebastian stopped the thought before it infested his mind.

"Fine." Sebastian murmured, already defeated. His tone was soft but his eyes were sharp. Juniper didn't know what to make of this— she accepted the help with open arms.

"Thank you, Seb." Juniper had let her guard down for a moment; her smile was worth everything Sebastian had to give.

He nodded in acknowledgement, and with his back turned, returned the smile— his reddened cheeks meant nothing.

After a few minutes of Juniper humming songs under her breath, Sebastian asked how she knew the songs– "those are all good songs. How do you know them?"

Juniper chuckled, her dress twirled with her as she faced him, "I know good songs, Seb."

"They were all my favorites though..."

"What a coincidence." Juniper twirled back around swiftly— definitely not to hide her expression, which he could see right through.

"Sam told you all my favorite songs, didn't he?"

Juniper scoffed, although unbelievable, "no... what? Why would he do that...?"

"So that's a yes."

"...Shut up."

Sebastian found it strangely endearing that she asked about him. His smirk was barely evident, but it was there. "No, no thank you."

"insufferable. did'ya know that?"

Sebastian looked over in Juniper's direction— he often wondered why he was at odds with her. she had never done anything wrong to him, not directly, at least. He felt sick– his heart beats were irregular and his chest was always enclosing him.

"you're staring, y'know."

Sebastian was, in fact, staring.

"no I'm not."

Juniper rolled her eyes; there was no denying it now. She was getting used to him, she just hoped that he wouldn't leave as soon as he could. "Okay, Sebbie."

he had the urge to tell her to never call him that again, but something stopped him— maybe he had to get his breathing in check first.

"Yeah, whatever." his mumbles fell upon deaf ears, it seemed like Juniper was too focused on Sebastian's features, for no good reason at all.

He had piercings, snake bites and a septum, and his hair covered half of one of his eyes– it was very 2000's emo boy. His smile was rare, it was such a sight for her to take in— she was jealous of whoever got to see that smile the most. Somehow, she didn't know she was jealous of herself.

"Now who's the one staring?"

Sebastian's tone was kind, soft and nothing like him. Juniper found it inviting, she never wanted this moment to end.

"Hey, is anyone in th-"

God damnit Sam, moment ended.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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