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POV: Adilee's Red Room Barrack

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POV: Adilee's Red Room Barrack. 13 years old

I sit in my bed, staring at the wall. Well, I guess if you call a stained, thin mattress sitting on the concrete floor a bed, then, yeah. I'm sitting on my bed. I check the clock on my wall and it's around 2:34. Why the fuck am I awake right now? Cuz you're an insomniac, dumbass. Right, my bad.  I stare at my crusty ass wall in the pitch black, listening to the soft snores of my best friend, Lexi. Lucky ducky, can actually get a good nights rest. She deserves it. I pull myself off the floor that I call a bed and stand up, sighing as I look around my dark room. I've been in this hell hole for as long as I can remember, being beaten and conditioned so I can go out and run little errands for Dreykov. Oh yeah, by errands I mean assassinating people, and or kidnapping then torturing them for information. Such fun. I walk to the thick steel door in my room, still wearing my plain black T-shirt and shorts. I dig thru my messily braided hair until I finally find it. My lock pick. Perfect. I mess around with the lock on my door and within 10 minutes, i've opened the unnecessarily complicated lock, and i'm opening the door, stepping out into the very dimly lit hall.

I walk thru the hallways, not even trying to be quiet as I walk naturally silent after years of training. Totally worth it. I turn corner after corner until finally I find the bathroom. I quickly slip inside and lock the door behind me before putting my back against the door, and sliding down onto the grimy, stained tile. The voices inside my head have a little discussion as I stare off blankly, feeling numb. Pull out the knife Addi, you have to feel something, even if it's pain. Stop it, you can't go on like this, things will get better. Yeah right, we've been trapped in here since probably birth, we have no family, and nobody is coming to save us, might as well end it now or cut. Seriously Addi, you need to stop, cutting isn't fixing anything. Adilee, it will make you feel better. No- Cut it out. Only one voice is left in my head now as it repeats the same sentence, over and over. Cut it out. Cut it out. Cut it out. So, I listen. If this voice is the only one left, it has to be right... right? I pull my small pocket knife out of my bra, and flip the blade open. I pull my shorts to my ankles, revealing my heavily scarred inner-thighs. I close my eyes, taking a deep breath. Just one little cut, and things will all be better.

---------Time skip to 4:30---------

I lay in my bed again, this time feeling much better. I made sure my little adventure this morning was un-traceable, and I soaked the blood off my thighs before coming back to my room. I sing in my head as I stare at my ceiling, waiting for one of Dreykov's snobs to come unlock our door and give us our daily good morning kiss. Insane in the membraaaane. Insane in the brain. I click my tongue boredly, until I hear Lexi stirring across our small room. I turn my head and look at her, watching her sharp face until finally, her blue eyes snap open. "Good morning sunshine." I say sarcastically, a little grin on my face. She rolls her eyes before sitting up and yawning as she says. "I take it you didn't sleep much last night, if at all." I sit up as well, standing and saying. "How could you guess?" I lean against the wall as she stands up, stretching her back a little. "I live with a jackass who has the same issue, I could kinda tell." She says with a smirk. I go to give her a witty comeback until we hear our lock being fiddled with. Finally, the door opens, revealing one ugly son of a bitch.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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