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Is it bad that I'm very much so considering just leaping off this stupid, unsteady balance beam? Like, seriously, who's fucking brilliant idea was it to make this a thing? I decided that I would like to live. I want to see the look on General Aesira's face when I not only survive, but bond to a dragon. Maybe I'm overly confident, but it's the only thing keeping me from looking down, and trust me, that would not be good. Not good at all.

Liam is a few steps ahead of me, and turns back slightly. "I'll meet you on the other side." Indeed he will, because I swear to the gods if he falls off, I will resurrect him and then push him off of this stupid thing again.

"See you there." I call back as the wind picks up. I take two more steps, and almost lose my balance as it starts to rain. I steady myself, then close my eyes and continue walking. One foot in front of the other. One step at a time. Left right, left right.

I imagine my sketch pad in my head, and focus on that. Not even realizing what I had been mentally sketching, I take a step back in my mind and look at the sketch to see a pair of striking, dark eyes staring back at me. Gods, why is his annoying face everywhere now?

I snap out of my mental sketch pad and realize I'm only about two steps away from Liam, and that we're almost to the end. "Hey, buddy."

The blonde jumped, almost losing his balance, before planting a foot down. "Wrenley, good gods, how did you catch up so fast?" It's called being speedy buddy, want some lessons?

"Well you see, blondie. I closed my eyes and focused on sketching." We each made it four more steps.

Liam turned around, trusting himself to walk backwards, looking at me incredulously. "And what would you be sketching in that brilliant mind of yours?"

I arch my right brow and tilt my head to the left, "That's for me to know. And for you, to not know." I answer simply.

He rolls his eyes before turning back around and jumping onto the safe ground. I take two more steps, then hop off the parapet and onto the ground.

Liam scoffs, "You are such a show off, Wren."

"You're one to talk." I roll my eyes.

"Name?" the rider next to the entrance asks, clearly bored of her job. I scanned her features, spotting chin-length red hair. She's holding a roll to write down names on, to see who all managed to survive the oversized balance beam. She has three silver four-point starts stitched on the shoulder of her cloak, meaning she's in her third year. "You're a little small for a rider."

I snort, not taking any offense, "Wrenley Aesira. And yes, that Aesira." I say my last name twice, because people are normally so shocked. And for what? It's a last name. Big deal.

I look back to the parapet and see someone threatening Violet, so I step in, her backing up and signing in. "According to the codex, I'm a cadet, and you're still not on the grounds yet, so I have the higher ground here."

"Who do you think you are?" the blonde asks. I internally roll my eyes, sensing that this imbecile will most definitely be a problem in the future.

"I believe that my name is Wrenley, although I'm not one-hundred percent sure, as I've already lost a few brain cells from being in an absolute idiot's presence." I pull my sword from its sheath. "Also, I don't take lightly, to assholes threatening my friends." I move my sword in a swift motion, slicing into his side, and hear Liam hiss behind me. I am having such a badass moment right now. And I love myself for it. Self-confidence is key, people.

I glance down at the damage and step back, wiping the blood off the blade of my sword and slid it into the sheath at my hip. "Just knock it off, or I'll take your ego down a few more notches, alright?" I look towards the red-haired rider to see a glint of amusement in her eyes, then turn back to the blonde, "Also, you might wanna get that cut checked out before it gets infected."

"You're so dead." He seethes. No, buddy. But I think you are.

I roll my eyes and turn on my heel, "I'd like to see you try." Maybe my ego needs to be checked.

No it's definitely fine where it is. I nod to myself before skipping back over to Liam.

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