cause I can see you

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Luch stomps his used cigarette into the ground and adjusts his leather jacket. After he dropped out of high school at the end of his freshman year, he joined a motorcycle gang. It seemed like everything he wanted at the time, drinks, drugs, chicks, and big strong men (even tho he's "not" homo) but he soon came to realize he preferred the calmness of his hometown. He decided to come visit his friends (who he hadn't seen since he dropped out) for the summer.

As he walked up and down the streets of his hometown, he spotted two people he knew and loved very dearly.

"Is that Alexa and Emily?" he asked in the fake country accent he pretends is natural. Alexa and Emily stop in their tracks and gape at the sight of him. "Luch!" cried Alexa and ran to hug him. Emily joins the hug and laughs at Luch's ragged appearance.

"Well hello little ladies, how are yall doing round these here parts?" He asks with a toothpick hanging out his mouth. "First of all, stop talking like that, but second of all, we were just walking down 131st to meet Shannon," replies Emily. Luch nods. He remembers Shannon. Quiet, responsible, kind. Everything he wasn't. Emily and Alexa begin waving at someone behind him, who he assumes is Shannon. He turns around to say a quick hello and is greeted by a sight worth seeing.

Shannon flips her curly auburn hair over her bronzed shoulder. She's wearing a fitted pink tank top and jean shorts. Her blue orbs are glinting against the sunlight and contrast perfectly with her beige freckles. She stops in front of the group.

"Oh, hey Luch! Welcome back," she says casually. Luch lets out a low whistle. "Why, hello pretty lady," he says smoothly. Shannon snorts. "What's with the accent," she asks mockingly. He immediately drops the accent and talks in his normal, frat boy voice. "Yeah I was just joking for real, but you are lowkey fine," he says, trying to act normal. Shannon laughs. "As if. Luch, you're a high school dropout in a motorcycle gang dressed like a hillbilly. You'll never have a chance with me," she says as she walks away with the other two snickering girls. Luch is left there slightly heartbroken. He decides the first thing he'll do to win her over is get some normal clothes.

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